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Ability Order
Arcane Mastery (PASSIVE)
Ryze Passive Ability
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Ryze is a mana carry now. Riot did something very unique with the old Ryze, and produced a champion that relies on mana.
Ryze is also a carry caster now. That means he depends on farm to get stronger relying on a flow of damage, and differs greatly from nukes who can become strong upon level6 and dealing extreme burst damage.
Remember to comment and be open with your thoughts! I am always receptive to insightful criticism.
Remeber, this is just my opinion on how Ryze is sickly OP in both Dominion and Normal games.
I have choosen the Runes and Masteries out of experiences of 2 different builds,
and this is mine build.
Magic Penetration for more damage at start, and with x9 - Greater Mark of Insight makes you deal abit more damage and have the opportunity to land first kill.
Mana regen so you doesn't have to recall so much, and don't have to leave your lane all the time, means 9x - Greater Seal of Replenishment helps you alot there.
Magic Resist - does for the most in the midle lane, so if your meeting Leblanc or some with high burst mostly ranged attackers, you have a chance to not die to them.
9x - Greater Glyph of Warding helps you from start to still have the first killinblow if you meet someone that doesn't know Ryze that good.
at last
Movement when you are out of you lane, at start and futher in game you run much faster that you normaly could, and without teleport.
that why I choosed 3x - Greater Quint of Swiftness. works realy fine IMO (In My Opinion)
The Masteries
I put the 9 points into the offensive tree to get the spell pen, then i put the remaining into utility because Ryze doesnt have much of it. Putting the points into utility gets you extra mana, mana regen, and CD reduction, all things Ryze realy needs.
and this is mine build.
Magic Penetration for more damage at start, and with x9 - Greater Mark of Insight makes you deal abit more damage and have the opportunity to land first kill.
Mana regen so you doesn't have to recall so much, and don't have to leave your lane all the time, means 9x - Greater Seal of Replenishment helps you alot there.
Magic Resist - does for the most in the midle lane, so if your meeting Leblanc or some with high burst mostly ranged attackers, you have a chance to not die to them.
9x - Greater Glyph of Warding helps you from start to still have the first killinblow if you meet someone that doesn't know Ryze that good.
at last
Movement when you are out of you lane, at start and futher in game you run much faster that you normaly could, and without teleport.
that why I choosed 3x - Greater Quint of Swiftness. works realy fine IMO (In My Opinion)
The Masteries
I put the 9 points into the offensive tree to get the spell pen, then i put the remaining into utility because Ryze doesnt have much of it. Putting the points into utility gets you extra mana, mana regen, and CD reduction, all things Ryze realy needs.
- Bulky
- Huge burst damage
- Good Team fighter
- Ranged
- Good in any lane. means (Top, bottom, midle and Jungling)
- a bit squishy at start
- Early game mana issues
- short range compared to LeBlanc and Lux, but Ryze is one of the most stable compared to most of the champions overall.
- Bulky
- Huge burst damage
- Good Team fighter
- Ranged
- Good in any lane. means (Top, bottom, midle and Jungling)
- a bit squishy at start
- Early game mana issues
- short range compared to LeBlanc and Lux, but Ryze is one of the most stable compared to most of the champions overall.
Flash --> A great spell even with the recent nerf of it, helps to get away, can still get over walls with it, and great for initiating with your burst to kill in mid lane with Ryze.
Exhaust --> Like i said many people dont like this spell on Ryze but many people do, I put into example later why I choose it but really its a great spell to shut down an AD carry and to delay the enemy until you can get your next burst attack on them.
Exhaust --> Like i said many people dont like this spell on Ryze but many people do, I put into example later why I choose it but really its a great spell to shut down an AD carry and to delay the enemy until you can get your next burst attack on them.
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