worst matchup in the game for olaf insta dodge this/permaban if ur an olaf one trick. she has too many invade options vs you and u cant 1v1 her ever and she hard wins any skirmish like 2v2 or 3v3 as well. Her ult directly counters yours too
not completely unplayable but this champ is not fair and u can't do much about early invades. too many invade options as well she can raptors to your gromp or lvl 3 invade you or late invade its just too cancer.
hard matchup, basically kindred but u can sort of fight her 1v1. If you fall behind against nidalee it is completely over for you, this champ will take over the jg and bully you out your jungle permanently but u are equal at lvl 3.
hard, u can 1v1 if even but this champ gets to do whatever he wants against you and can perma bully and farm faster. Not as bad as nid kindred tho, for sure the easiest one of the triple perma invade champs (nid kindred graves) to face against.
can bully you early, turns game into chaos u can't do much against a good elise. if ur playing below masters its free win matchup, if ur playing in higher ranks its hard and feels like nidalee matchup. You lose any skirmish or fight pre 6 to this champ
insanely cancer, u cant reset R against this champ hes too fast, has a get out of jail free card, hard to invade since he can W and has mobility.
you have to start raptors against this matchup regardless of lane matchups against kayn and belveth. These champs can get onto your raptors and create a map split which is aids for you. Start raptors and fullclear, u can 1v1 the kayn easily but u need to ward your opposite side (blue) jg and start raptors. Blue counters olaf, u cant do anything against it to help your team. Red is alright but hes gonna be more useful prob, just aids champ in general
dodge, not playable. Cant reset your R ever shes too fast, does too much damage and farms way faster than you. Can cheese you on raptors too, might have to start raptors against this matchup just like kayn so they cant create map split
good rengar can give you a run for your money, this champ sometimes just spawns with infinite kills for fun but if ur even u win 1v1 and dictate map control
if vayne wasnt banned and it gets picked top or adc in enemy team u should just dodge. This is legit the most unplayable champ to go against as olaf u cannot 1v1 even if ur 100/0 and u just cannot reset R either or do anything. if you first pick olaf theres a high chance they pick this for adc role thats why I don't really like blind picking olaf much.
outkited to hell, cant even 1v1 this champ if ur ahead, one of the worst adcs to play vs
any other champ than the ones I mentioned on this list are easy matchups, u kinda just run them over. Things that give olaf a hard time are very mobile mids like leblanc or invis champs like vlad akali because he cant auto them much or reset his R. Fiora and vayne (tank killers) as well because he just gets annihilated and can't even fight back. Jungle matchups he struggles with hard invade champs like nid kindred graves. He's good into like strong early jgs like warwick xin noc trundle just not the ones who can level 2 invade you and control map such as kindred. You can feel free to ask me any matchup questions if there are specific champs that u are struggling against as olaf.
Lee Sin
not easy vs rly good lee. hard to reset R and u cant stop his kick. If u R before his kick he will ward hop away and u lose it. If you wait for his R he just kicks you and u can't react in time, even if u get kicked and press R mid kick it dosent cancel it. He wins 1v1 if ahead, u win 1v1 if even or ahead.
For olaf the best thing u can have is engage support or a strong mid such as zed talon qiyana who can give u map control and allow u to dominate. Worst thing with olaf is scaling mid like vlad asol kass. U won't be able to do anything and get any map control.
For olaf the best thing u can have is engage support or a strong mid such as zed talon qiyana who can give u map control and allow u to dominate. Worst thing with olaf is scaling mid like vlad asol kass. U won't be able to do anything and get any map control.
Hi, my name is Astral. I started s11 and hit gm s13 split 2, and hit gm s14 as well. I hit rank 1 olaf world on league of graphs last split and rank 1 olaf jg on onetricks.gg as well both s13 + s14. Nobody really plays olaf jg anymore in high elo except me after the rework in s12. Olaf is my favorite champ in the game and I want to teach others how to play this champ and how to fully utilize him properly.
Usually u want to full clear every game, either side is fine. Olaf can start blue or red they will both get you to crab before 3:30. You want to path to prio lanes and also to volatile lanes to have the most impact on the map. I fullclear probably 90% of my games unless im late invading or ganking mid lvl 3. Its just the most efficient way to play farming jg and theres little risk to this playstyle. If you fail a lvl 3 gank on a farm jg u will be really behind in tempo while if u successfully get your fullclear off you are set to success. As olaf you are pretty strong pre 6 but don't overestimate your champ. At lvl 6 u are literally god and then he slowly starts to fall off late game. Path bot is good idea, usually just path bot as olaf and fullclear. Olaf is a farm jungler, NOT a ganking jungler and ignore every one of your teamates that gives you cancer for not ganking their lane. you are not playing elise or xin zhao who revolves around invading and perma ganking/diving, think of yourself as playing hecarim or lillia because those are the champions olaf jg is similar too.
Q e at the same time and then auto w on the camps. You want to throw your Q into the wall so it instantly resets without having to walk to pick the axe up. This increases your clear speed by a lot. In fights you are throwing Q on ppl and if it connects ghost R press E and run them over, u usually want to combo q e together when you are fighting someone and when you get low u auto W and pop the shield of W. u can combine all your abilities when u are low as well to get max usage out of them and trick opponents. Sometimes I pretend i will lose the 1v1 while saving my abilities and then auto w q e and 1 shot them. The way your R works is that it lasts 3 seconds. If you auto attack or E a champion it extends it by 2.5 seconds. Techinically this could be infinite because you could keep auto attacking or E'ing a practice dummy and you will never lose your R because it keeps adding 2.5 seconds. Against good players they will give u a hard time and not let you reset R easily. You are looking to reset your R in fights so you don't lose it. Keep flash timers in your head so you know who can flash away from you in fights. You usually want to go for adc in fights, he is the most important person to focus on olaf jg.
I offer opgg review (actually pretty helpful), just dm on twitter. Not doing vod review coaching atm. If you are below masters you could probably just watch sheiden play on twitch or tarzaned or legit any other chall jg that streams to improve. Most important tip is to be on your camps when they spawn, will increase your farm scores exponentially and I can tell the diff between a high elo jg and lower elo one by how they cycle their camp rotation and the tempo they play at
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