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Yasuo Build Guide by Christianno133

AD Offtank S6 | Patch 5.22 | 100% Crit Yasuo Guide

AD Offtank S6 | Patch 5.22 | 100% Crit Yasuo Guide

Updated on November 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Christianno133 Build Guide By Christianno133 131,244 Views 9 Comments
131,244 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Christianno133 Yasuo Build Guide By Christianno133 Updated on November 19, 2015
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Productiveinsomniac (1) | December 26, 2015 9:39pm
nice guide... i made a guide while back and decided to look at some others options on build... and i have to say.. as a former Diamond Player, your Yasuo guide is pretty solid....i generally run ATK speed quints and MArks but thats all personal preference... since i build AD off the bat.... since i have the atk speed from start.... usually helps me slap em down early with BF sword... but like you said... Yasuo is Very diverse in how he can be run and built... i also use Q max first.... i do however put 2 points into e first for mobility in some matches...
Christianno133 (1) | November 17, 2015 1:18am
billzy132 wrote:

are you sure? i dont have the option to pick him :/

Have you purchased Yasuo? If not, I recommend going into the launcher shop and buying him with the IP that you have. If you don't have enough IP, play some games and save up.

Good luck on the Rift! :)
billzy132 | November 17, 2015 12:56am
are you sure? i dont have the option to pick him :/
Christianno133 (1) | November 17, 2015 12:22am
billzy132 wrote:

Guide didnt help, did i do somthing wrong? i picked teemo in champ select and then followed this guide HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

Awww.. that's disappointing. :(
I'm sorry I couldn't help you out, I recommend picking Yasuo next time you get into you get into champion select then you can use this guide to your advantage. :)
Christianno133 (1) | November 17, 2015 12:21am
RedHawk675 wrote:

Thanks for the guide!!!
I have now mastered yasuo, and am also Rank 1 Challenger OCE.

No problem! Hope this really helped you out, congratulations on that! :)
billzy132 | November 17, 2015 12:20am
Guide didnt help, did i do somthing wrong? i picked teemo in champ select and then followed this guide HELP PLEASE!!!!!!
RedHawk675 (1) | November 17, 2015 12:18am
Thanks for the guide!!!
I have now mastered yasuo, and am also Rank 1 Challenger OCE.
Christianno133 (1) | November 16, 2015 10:00pm

why max q? E is so much better

Like I've said in the guide, I like to mix it up during games. Depending on who I am laning against.
I do agree that maxing E can be very strong, but in all honestly it doesn't offer as much as Q does. You can't just rely on your damage solely from your max damage E and autos, instead you can mix it up like I do so can do even damage all around.

Essentially maxing Q first is very good for clearing from afar, E also offers a fast clear when using the E + Q combo. Like I said before, evenly adding points gives you a lot of utility during laning phase and team fights.

Thanks for replying your thoughts, I really appreciate it! :)
Dobby Knows (1) | November 16, 2015 6:05am
why max q? E is so much better
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S6 | Patch 5.22 | 100% Crit Yasuo Guide

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