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Sejuani Build Guide by Recount

SEJ the tank/aura queen Jungle

SEJ the tank/aura queen Jungle

Updated on January 26, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Recount Build Guide By Recount 30,311 Views 0 Comments
30,311 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Recount Sejuani Build Guide By Recount Updated on January 26, 2012
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Lets go Jungle sej.

Just do your first route, get your gold per 10s and start aura stacking. its an extremely good team build especially if no one is going to get the team items. the support should usually have aegis and possibly another shurelya's. if not just tell them to build in that direction if they plan to make any aura items. This build allows initiation and massive survivability. The best thing you can do is to NOT DIE and keep your auras running but make you sure absorb as much damage as possible during the combat. Your strength is hidden in mid to late game. Early you have as low ganking power as Warwick i find. you might want to wait for level 6 if you haven't played sej a whole lot. but try it out. you be the judge.
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