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Sejuani Build Guide by orgazmo

Sejuani and Pumba Jungle

Sejuani and Pumba Jungle

Updated on January 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author orgazmo Build Guide By orgazmo 4 8 4,094 Views 3 Comments
4 8 4,094 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author orgazmo Sejuani Build Guide By orgazmo Updated on January 21, 2012
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Sejuani has great potential to be one of the best junglers when used correctly. The main problem I ran into when trying to runt he jungle the first few games was her inability to sustain in the jungle without constantly buying pots, having to back, or just not having enough HP's for a gank. This is what I have come up with and out of my first 12 games, I am 11 wins and 1 loss.

Sejuani is NOT a burst character. Building her AP is absolutly trash. Her ability to sustain in team fights, AoE Ulti the other team and constantly slow people so your team and finish them off makes her second to very few other champions. Also throw in the ability to jump and AoE Ulti over walls and you have one fun champion to troll people with :)
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As said before, Sejuani needs to be able to sustain early on in the jungle to thrive mid-late game. This is why taking x3 2.7HP/5sec runes is crucial along with a first item Regen Pendent which can be upgraded to a Philo stone for more regen plus 5g/10sec. Throw in some Armor/MR Runes, and you got yourself one mean tank.
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In this build I go 0/18/11 for a few obvious reasons. First off Tough skin and Bladed Armor is a must for her. As stated before, being able to sustain in jungle early game will win it with her. Throw in 3 points of Meditation to give her some Mana sustain for when you need to hand off that Blue to your carry. If you noticed, I also took 2 Points in Transmution for a bit of spell vamps. If you can see where I am going here, HP Regen, Spell Vamp, Less dmg from minions, get threw those first 3-4 levels in the jungle and she becomes a force to be wrecken with.
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Creeping / Jungling

Ok so, lets get started here. You can start wolves if you want but I prefer Blue so you can get lvl 2 and spam easier on wolves without as much DMG taken. The better leash you get on blue buff, the more HP you will have to sustain past red and go on to a quick gank. You only have about 2-3 Bars of HP after red but by the time you get to bot or top for a gank you will have already regen'ed another bar or 2 of HP. Stick to the basics, if there are no ganks availible, keep creeping. Remember that CS > Kills in every game standard.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author orgazmo
orgazmo Sejuani Guide
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Sejuani and Pumba Jungle

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