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Sejuani Build Guide by Jormaa

Sejuani - Ice Cold Jungler

Sejuani - Ice Cold Jungler

Updated on January 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jormaa Build Guide By Jormaa 1,619 Views 0 Comments
1,619 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jormaa Sejuani Build Guide By Jormaa Updated on January 23, 2012
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Quick Introduction

The way i do this, get a nice pull on blue, then kill them all, remember to use your health potion, then go back for another health potion, then go red buff. As soon as red is dead, go for the four creeps near mid, then go back and buy boots. Then run straight for top and gank. Usually takes 5-6 minutes, and it's more than enough for you to gank hard on top. This works really good. Remember to combine your skills. Q storms in, gives every target frost, then use E to permafrost, and use W right away to ultimate the dmg.

Good Luck :)
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Jungling Routine

What's easiest? Well there's alot of different ways to do it with the new jungle. First of all, be aware, the opposite team might be good antijunglers, get a coverup, near baron if you, like i do blue first. And of course get midd to pull. If the enemy team have no jungler, you should take advantage of this, and do their jungle aswell. But do, for your own sake, wait untill you can survive and escape properly. Otherwise you will get ganked if the enemy team knows just alittle of what they are doing. Remember Jungling is not only being in jungle, it's just as much ganking the lanes. Helping your team mates. Sejuani is really good at this. When you gank top, which is highly recommended to be the first gank, you hide the bush bellow baron, then wait for your buddy to pull the enemy back, use Q to storm in, if needed use flash. Then permafrost them with E and then active W. When doing mid, try to sneak, from the river, behind the enemy and gank him with your teammate. Doing bot you hide in the bush above dragon, and do the same routine. It's of utterly importance you do this early game, and up untill you start gathering as a team. In Lol it's all about (from my point of view) doing some leveling in lanes/jungle, and then gathering up and play as a team.
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After Jungle

As soon as the jungleing is potentially over. Go with your team. Sejuani works as a engager and as a backup. Depending on the situation. Use your Ultimate when the team is together, or to catch 2-3 when you're sure you can beat them. It stuns then for a few seconds, which is more than enough for the team to gather in on them, or eventually kill them. Use R-Q-E-W, and let the magic do the rest (along with usual hits, and teammates).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jormaa
Jormaa Sejuani Guide
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Sejuani - Ice Cold Jungler

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