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Sejuani Build Guide by Lord Pakman

Sejuani SuperJungler (updated items)

Sejuani SuperJungler (updated items)

Updated on June 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lord Pakman Build Guide By Lord Pakman 4,969 Views 2 Comments
4,969 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lord Pakman Sejuani Build Guide By Lord Pakman Updated on June 20, 2012
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This build is really good early game because the q is used as an ability to sort of stab at the enemy and piss them off. Even though the runes don’t really take much effect until late game everything helps. i buy the rod of ages first because the health and mana help for early game and then the rest of the build falls into place for the rest of the game. I chose this skill sequence because the q is used to harass and then the w deals damage for the minions and also to the champions if your close enough obviously then I chose the e because at this point you can sort of actually fight the enemy and how I normally initiate early game and late game is to q into the enemy pop my w and e to slow them down and have them killed because they are trying to run but they can’t because of the slow. now late game when all of the runes take their true effect and maybe you have a full build I would use my ultimate on whoever is the best player on the other team and then use the same sequence as before to kill them. Now of course late game it is team fights so I use this strategy to kill them one by one with your team and slowly feed yourself or at least your team. all I know is that I do not have a full rune page yet and late game once I had my full build and tower dove the nexus and got a triple kill resulting with the win so I know this build is capable of working wonders so I hope you are ready to get fed and be the tank carry every team needs.
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minion farming

Now if everything in the chapter before doesn’t happen and maybe the other team is fed instead of you or your team then minion farming is the way to go. I know that when I play with my friends nobody wants to lane with me because I kill all the minions. Literally I use the same order of skills that I use to kill champions minus the ultimate. I can clear out minions like it’s my job when I do this because when I q through all of the minions which freezes them and let my e do damage to all of the minions I hit and then the w kills all of the leftover minions. I hope all of you don’t have to get in this position where this becomes essential but if you do trust me sejuani can farm like a tank, that’s probably because she is a tank haha.
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my game experiences

In the past few games I have played I have pretty much carried my team for the win. I have also become to know that Sejuani is really good at ganking because of her slow ability. when I talked earlier about diving the nexus I finished that game 20-4-14 which just made the game a lot of fun so I mean this build definitely works for me. I do not know if anyone has used this build besides me but I do know that in fact I wreck with this build and I plan on having everyone who uses it to have multiple wins and a lot of fun like I do. I know sejuani doesn’t deal a lot of damage but trust me when I say that with this build you are pretty much unstoppable unless it turns into a 5v1 and you are the one usually I still get a couple kills before dying. I know that skill is also needed to be good at this game but trust me I’m not the best player ever and I do just fine with this build so don’t disappoint me and be a supertank champ.
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Just saying I am not a fan of dominion so I have never played as sejuani at all which means that I have no idea how this build will work. Just saying I don’t even know if all of these items are available in dominion but I’m going to talk about how it should work anyways. Like I said earlier I found out sejuani is also a really good ganker so I would figure since the objective of dominion is to hold and capture all of the towers then I would gank whichever tower the enemy is attacking or capturing. I mean if you get full build you still won’t be able to die easily at all this build is solid and I’m just trying to help you guys out because I know it can work for all you dominion lovers hahahaha.
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This build is great for tanking because of the amount of health, armor and magic resist. the items are in this order because in the beginning of the game I have always noticed I run out of mana fast so the rod of ages will take care of that plus give ability power. Boots are always essential on many characters and the rest of the items make sense because of the health, health regen, armor, and magic resist. These runes are chosen to add to the health regen, armor and magic resist. The mastery page goes hand in hand with the rest of the build it adds the same as the items and runes do. Overall this build has been great for me and hopefully your successful also.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lord Pakman
Lord Pakman Sejuani Guide
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Sejuani SuperJungler (updated items)

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