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Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Hello Guys!!
Greater Mark of Warding:I choose that flat mr rune for early game pressure and late game teamfights!!
Greater Seal of Resilience:I choose those to counter my solo top opponent take less dmg from creeps turrets and AD gankers
Greater Glyph of Shielding:Late game Mr.You will be able to stay alive for more time in teamfights and counter burst mages
Greater Quintessence of Fortitude:Having more hp is always a good thing!And great one for solotoping cause you dont do that much dmg and you will need hp if you want to farm
Greater Seal of Resilience:I choose those to counter my solo top opponent take less dmg from creeps turrets and AD gankers
Greater Glyph of Shielding:Late game Mr.You will be able to stay alive for more time in teamfights and counter burst mages
Greater Quintessence of Fortitude:Having more hp is always a good thing!And great one for solotoping cause you dont do that much dmg and you will need hp if you want to farm
I start of with some hp regen and a hp potion that will help me not to be 2 low on hp on top lane so I will be harder to gank.Then I take boots for the survavivebility and the ms boost you will really need if your jungler comes for gank.Afterwards I buy heart of gold just to get gold.I explained eralier that you will not be taking kills or farming late game so gps is always a good purchase.Then I buy reverie which gives me ms boost that will be really helpfull on ganks and on teamfights to boost the whole team(said again) and more survavivebility.Then i take frozen heart.It is not the mana you will really need but the slow with your 1st skill you can slow the whole team but with only a 10% so a plus slow gives you a plus on teamfights and you will be a crazy chaser.It also gives you armor that will help you alot cause you tank :).Then i take force of nature to shut down the burst ap's and have more hp regen.I upgrade my heart of gold to a Randuins Omen to boost my team and me and then i close of with a Warmoogs Armor.
Alright as a solo toper your job is to make your opponent unable to farm and cause you dont have that much dmg you will need help from your jungler.You shall farm early cause it will be a hard job to be done late on!!In teamfights,you tank so go on with your first ability slow them all then open the 2ond and chase them!Focus the carry with your ult and your team will win!!
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