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Sejuani Build Guide by kixanai

Sejuani, Trapped under Ice

Sejuani, Trapped under Ice

Updated on May 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kixanai Build Guide By kixanai 1,695 Views 0 Comments
1,695 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kixanai Sejuani Build Guide By kixanai Updated on May 29, 2012
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Sejuani in my oppinion is one of the best fight starters and deals alot of damage being capable of stay alive during the fight and defend her allies with F***ing slow.
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Pros / Cons

Pros - Late game AoE damage
- Slow and dat Stun winning the team fight
- Good chaser
- Tanky
- Has boobs

Cons - Long range in earlie game
- Master Yi Ult, *CANNOT BE SLOWED*
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Runes and Masteries

I Use this runes to get more survival in fights and making some damage, alot of players play her as Full tank, but i think thats kind of a waste because she will make more damage in her spells, and since shes tanky, people will always try to focus on Carrys so they will ignore Sejuani, but if they do while ur going with a little of AP their health is going down.
And I also pick thouse Quint for the quicker jungler, shes pretty nice in camps so counter jungle other team, killing warths and wolfs will be easy and quick.

In Masteries i go for the same, getting tanky enough with that extra AP.
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Summoner Spells

By summoner Spells I pick Ghost for the chases but alot of people prefer Flash and feel free to do so, I also take Smite for jungle, and please, dont be ******ed enough and dont take Smite as jungler, thats the worst think you can do, your team will need to steal Buffs, Drakes or Barons, its not just for the quick jungling but also for steal.

I know what you been doing Fiddle...
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Skill Sequence

I prio level my Northern Winds because its ur main skill for doing damage and to jungle, Then I level up Arctic Assault, Permafrost I level it last because I dont feel it does that much damage, only take one point in level 4 for the extra slow on ganks it sure helps, but not leveling, this in my oppinion. As normal I level my Ult when I can, A good Ult, its a team fight won.
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Sorry for my bad english, if this help you in anyway please share with ur friends, I just been playing with sejuani and been loving her alot and i wanted a good build on her but since i didnt find any that I loved I build this in game and it worked.
Ty for read this (:
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kixanai
kixanai Sejuani Guide
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Sejuani, Trapped under Ice

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