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Leona Build Guide by Sidra

Sidra's AD Guide to Leona

Sidra's AD Guide to Leona

Updated on January 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sidra Build Guide By Sidra 4,777 Views 0 Comments
4,777 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sidra Leona Build Guide By Sidra Updated on January 27, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Leona is not that great AD but can be good if a good player plays her.
Please rate and comment what i should change come with helpfull feedback.
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Hello my name is Sidra if you havn't noticed yet. There will probally be alot of wrong spelling cause my english is pretty bad. My friend asked me to make a AD Leona guide so that i did.
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I choose these runes cause i think these are the most basic runes for a AD carry and i think they fit Leona AD perfectly.
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The sanme for these i think they might be able to be trown around abit to become better.
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I think this item build gives enough damage crit and attack speed though no life steal im trying to put that in there.
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Skill Sequence

Maxing out your Q first is a must according to me you could go for argumment for the W but i like the resetting of Auto attack better.
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Summoner Spells

I think these are pretty bassic summoners for most AD.
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Leona is not that great AD but can be good if a good player plays her.
Please rate and comment what i should change come with helpfull feedback.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sidra
Sidra Leona Guide
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Sidra's AD Guide to Leona

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