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Ryze Build Guide by Tessther

Sinerac's Ryze

Sinerac's Ryze

Updated on January 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tessther Build Guide By Tessther 3,644 Views 0 Comments
3,644 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tessther Ryze Build Guide By Tessther Updated on January 20, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Over View.

This build is just somthing ive used for a long time, and had great luck with in normal and ranked matches. As u can tell I dont say whick boots to build. This is becasue ir really does depend. Typically i use either Sroc boots, 5speed'rz, or Merc tredz. Typically u want your tier 2 boots right after u finish your Glacial Shroud. If your stomping really hard, Then pick up some 5speed'rz, but if its a close match, id recomend Sorcs or Mercs. Depending on how much cc they have.
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Start Game.

I think 99/100 times i start with Saphire and pots, then run out to mid and collect yourslef. At this point u should instartnly start harrasing, given no one is trying to gank mid. With q on such a short cd, u can out harras even good kass and morg players. Just run in, Q, run out, then double back and drop q again. Also be sure to last hit creeps as your mana pool is pretty ****ty untill u get a tear. If im doing good in lane, typically ill grab a Blue Elixer and ping Blue buff to see if i cant grab it. With thoes 2 your pretty crazy and now with that 40 ap and mana regen, harras all u want.
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Mid Game.

This is when i typically start to gank. At this point i'll have my buffs, elixers, and boots. So its as simple as getting behind them, Q,W,E,Q,R,Q. and ignite if need be. If your playing agianst a Viegar, id hold off on getting your archangles untill u finish RoA if everyone is still (for the msot part) in their lanes. This should keep your ap low, your mana high, and your Q-W-E-Q combo dealing tons of damage thanks to the 12% proc on Q.
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Late Game.

At this point, I have nearly a full build and am ganking a LOT. Team fights should be pretty regular unless one side is Rofl-Stomping (But even thenm, they happen). In a team fight, my combo switches up a little. I hold back a little till most everyone has initated, THEN pounce, Try to get to their casters and carries. Drop ult, Then Q-W-E-Q and repeat. If u get focused, flash out and drop snare on the (typically a melee carry or tank) person that just jumped on, Now think, If u can, double back and start nuking their carries and casters again. If not get out of there and throw back all the damage u safley can.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tessther
Tessther Ryze Guide
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Sinerac's Ryze

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