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Skarner Build Guide by Fanaticcc

Skarner. Burst guide.

Skarner. Burst guide.

Updated on November 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fanaticcc Build Guide By Fanaticcc 3,058 Views 1 Comments
3,058 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fanaticcc Skarner Build Guide By Fanaticcc Updated on November 21, 2011
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Hello, I am Fanaticcc, Skarner was the second champion I bought, and I've never regreted using 6300 IP on it.

My first game was against bots to get the hang of my skills, next one was pvp, in which i scored 9/7/15, the last game I played with it I got 23/2/13, pretty good I think.

This guide will help you just like it did for me, hopefully. :)
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Pros and Cons

The Pros of Skarner are:
You got nice CC.
You are tanky.
Great in teamfights, can KO and enemy with Impale.
Great looking.
Great farmer.

Hard early game until you get sheen.
Needs a lot of money for epic damage.
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I picked AP Quints, because you are low damage output in early game, so your abilitys will be stronger.

Armor Seals, because Skarner needs a bit tankiness.

Glyphs of Warding, because 13 Magic resistance will help you a lot against casters.

Mark of Desolation for epic burst mid and late game.
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I pick offensive masteries, because in my opinion Skarner is tanky enough to leave Defense masteries at 0 points and use 21/0/9.
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Skill sequence

I max Crystal Slash first, because the higher the level, the better slow.
Without this ability Skarner is nothing. Due to its low CD you can spam it while farming, because it costs only 15 Mana.

I max Crystalline Exoskeleton second, because with tihs build it will absorb approx 500 Damage and gives you epic movement boost to catch up with escaping enemies.

Lastly I max Fracture, because I dont need it very much, because Q and W are only necessary, and R.
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Early game I farm then with Crystal Slash and run from enemies at level 1 or 2, because I can't do much to them without Q W and E.

Mid game I gather the minions around, or in front of me and use all spells, I go for the Blue Buff when I have time so I never run out of mana.

Late game farming is not requires, because you are OP with 3 or 4 items. Just go gank enemies.
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Ability sequence.

My ability sequence is:

Q > W > E > Q > Q > W > E.
You can use ultimate if you want to drag your enemy to a turret or just want to have fun. :)
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Summoner Spells.

I pickbecause it is great to catch up to enemies or escape from them.

For the second summoner spell I pick because if an enemy is about to kill you, just use Exhaust and you can easily escape him.

Alternate spell I sometimes pick is you can kill enemies which are running away by igniting them and it will kill the enemy. (90% of the time)
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I would give a 8.5/10 to Skarner as a champion, because he sometimes lacks damage.

The vote up my guide, if you like it I will update it weekly.
This is my first guide so I hope you like it.
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