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Skarner Build Guide by Bluefalcon

skarner hybrid dps

skarner hybrid dps

Updated on August 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bluefalcon Build Guide By Bluefalcon 5,400 Views 0 Comments
5,400 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bluefalcon Skarner Build Guide By Bluefalcon Updated on August 20, 2011
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hello this is my first build and I hope you find it helpful.
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Summer spells

I like to take ignite and teleport but not every one likes this.

(what you can take instead)





(what not to take)





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My runes are kinda random because i use them for most dps champions but they still work for skarner.
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(Early game) for items I all ways go sapphire crystal and 2 health potions, then when i get enough gold i recall back and buy a tear of the goddess and teleport back. next I buy berserker's grieves
and a phage followed buy a sheen and then trinity force.

(Mid game) I buy a malady and either a wit's end or a madreds-bloodrazer depending on the other team.

(late game) I buy a manamune and then a frozen heart for the armor and mana.
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I usually go bottom or top because skarner isn't very good at soloing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bluefalcon
Bluefalcon Skarner Guide
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skarner hybrid dps

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