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Skarner Build Guide by ColdPsychosis

Skarner - Tank

Skarner - Tank

Updated on August 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ColdPsychosis Build Guide By ColdPsychosis 5,080 Views 0 Comments
5,080 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ColdPsychosis Skarner Build Guide By ColdPsychosis Updated on August 23, 2011
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Chapter 1

So look I'm tired of everyone saying skarner sucks and seeing people suck with him. If your a good skarner then keep on doing what your doing but if your having a hard time with him just try playing him as this tanky support character. He has a high base hp so with some armor and magic resist you just wont die. Your job is to keep enemies around when your team finds them. You initiate team fights with your ulti giving your team focus on a squishy carry or something of the like and then use your q and the power of your trinity force to deal some damage while more importantly slowing enemies down and taking the damage for your team. Just watch your creep score and make sure you can get a Philosophers stone really early. This way you can leave creeps to your teammates so they canbget the gold to deal out the damage. you should be able to tank fine even with a really low creep score so long as u get philo stone asap i mean first item hear. and play safe till your level 6. once you are let them get to your tower a little and crystaline exoskeleton then impale and drag them in for a quick easy feed to the person you lane with. Cause that is your job. Feed kills to the rest of your team take the other teams blows and stay alive its simple and i think anyone can do it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ColdPsychosis
ColdPsychosis Skarner Guide
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