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Skarner Build Guide by XvidiX.MatiDrogba

Skarner - Tanker [Hybrid]

Skarner - Tanker [Hybrid]

Updated on August 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XvidiX.MatiDrogba Build Guide By XvidiX.MatiDrogba 2,097 Views 0 Comments
2,097 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XvidiX.MatiDrogba Skarner Build Guide By XvidiX.MatiDrogba Updated on August 12, 2011
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Hi and welcome to my first guide on Mobafire: Skarner - The Skarner - Tanker [Hybrid]

In this guide I want to show you the Skarner - Tanker [Hybrid].
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Pros / Cons

First off, I wanna show you the Pros and Cons of Skarner:

- Many ways to play him
- Quite easy to play
- Fast Jungler
- Very good Chase abilities

- Squishy
- CCed easily
- You'll need the runes to jungle successfully
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Centuries ago, there lived a race of creatures as ferocious as they were wise. The brackern were unusual beings blessed with the earth's primal magic, embodied in the form of crystals. Their kind knew of an arcane ritual to bind their life's essence to a crystal, communing with the magic embedded in it. With this power, the brackern thrived in the Odyn Valley, protecting both creatures and crystals alike. Despite attacks from those looking to claim the primal magic, it seemed that nothing could get past the brackern's defenses. Nothing, that is, until the devastation of a Rune War.

A vicious battle was fought near the Odyn Valley and the unleashed chaotic magic poisoned the crystals. The brackern began to grow sick and die, and no amount of defensive magic could reverse the effects. To avoid extinction, their only course was to hibernate underground until the wars stopped. The strongest, most intelligent brackern hibernated closer to the surface to awaken first and assess the world's condition for the return of their race. The recent mining operations and violent escalation in Kalamanda were enough to awaken the first of these vanguards. When Skarner burst to the surface, he lashed out in anger and confusion. Reason eventually won out over his anger when he realized that the agents of the League who found him were simply functionaries. Skarner was invited to the Institute of War to share the brackern's story. In return, the summoners told him about the history that his kind had slept through. Much had been done to curb the unchecked use of magic since the Rune Wars, but it was obvious that the world was not yet safe for his kind to reawaken. For now, however, there is a place where Skarner can use his power to change the world into one to which his kind could eventually return: the League of Legends.

"The humans have not yet learned to control their magic - what once was Kalamanda is now a crystal scar on the history of this world." – Skarner
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XvidiX.MatiDrogba
XvidiX.MatiDrogba Skarner Guide
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Skarner - Tanker [Hybrid]

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