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Skarner Build Guide by Niomo4ka

Skarner - Vital Monster

Skarner - Vital Monster

Updated on August 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Niomo4ka Build Guide By Niomo4ka 1,996 Views 0 Comments
1,996 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Niomo4ka Skarner Build Guide By Niomo4ka Updated on August 11, 2011
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This is my first guide ^_^

I consider that very high indicator of survival rate is required to the new champion as it doesn't possess a sufficient loss for the prompt destruction of enemy champions. Therefore the given assemblage is based on construction of the hardy champion (the assistant on murders) with final powerful assemblage of infinite spam by the first and the second abilities with high enough indicator of damage.
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Summoner Spells

- Excellent and irreplaceable spell for rescue, or for the prompt rapprochement with the enemy champion- Good increase to a series of damages
- In an initial stage of game the good tools to overtake escaping enemies, but it is not effective enough in late game at constant possibility of blow by the first ability holding the enemy in constant slow.
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Typical runes for Offtank Champion. (resist/defence/armor pen)

Greater Mark of Desolation - 9

Greater Seal of Resilience - 9

Greater Glyph of Warding - 9

Greater Quintessence of Desolation - 3

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Skill Sequence


Thanks to this ability, you constantly use the first and second abilities.


The main ability for constant fall of enemy speed and your increase dps on the purpose together with Trinity Force.


Excellent ability with high potential. Consider that all bonuses from your ability work only at not destroyed shield, try not to rush into focus of enemies, teleport, using flash and come back with the updated shield at once back.


Quite good ability for initial farm and jungling. After much loses the efficiency in view of low value of healing.


The ability capable for 1.5 seconds to remove the enemy champion from participation in game or to finish it (Ult+Ignite impaled champion). Not bad at the tower. But in view of the small radius and insignificant damages doesn't give any advantages in other cases.
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If against you strong magicians after assemblage Randuin's Omen it is quite good to collect Banshee's Veil play

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The champion represents the typical off-tank. This build allows to make of it enough hardy character with the stable damages, capable to take on deterioration of any enemy champion.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Niomo4ka
Niomo4ka Skarner Guide
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Skarner - Vital Monster

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