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Skarner Build Guide by DarkIguana

Skarner will leave you Skar

Skarner will leave you Skar

Updated on August 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkIguana Build Guide By DarkIguana 1 13 3,262 Views 3 Comments
1 13 3,262 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkIguana Skarner Build Guide By DarkIguana Updated on August 16, 2011
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The idea behind Skarner is to get on people, stay on them, and really capture that inevitability of being run down by a predatory creature. Additionally, we wanted to avoid an instant gap closing mechanic so there's appropriate counter-play.

The primary way Skarner accomplishes this mission is through his ability Crystal Slash and his passive, Energize. Crystal Slash does a quick, point-blank AOE and empowers the ability if it hits. Empowered casts will do bonus damage and slow (making successive uses really useful for sticking to his target). His passive causes his spells to cool down faster each time he auto-attacks - a natural combination with the empowered Crystal Slash.

Properly utilizing Skarner's passive is central to his gameplay as a whole. For example, Skarner's ability Crystalline Exoskeleton puts up a shield that grants additional movement and attack speed while it's up. The bonus attack speed will help greatly decrease the cooldown time of his abilities, leading to additional Crystal Slashes or more uptime on this steroid.

Skarner's marquee ability is Impale. This ultimate causes him to skewer an opponent with his tail and drag them around for a few seconds. The positional manipulation of the ability can turn a teamfight by peeling an enemy off of a wounded ally, or dragging a greedy enemy into a tower.

Players have been asking for another monster champion for a while, so we're happy to deliver Skarner, our own weaponized arachnid.

Centuries ago, there lived a race of creatures as ferocious as they were wise. The brackern were unusual beings blessed with the earthā€™s primal magic, embodied in the form of crystals. Their kind knew of an arcane ritual to bind their lifeā€™s essence to a crystal, communing with the magic embedded in it. With this power, the brackern thrived in the Odyn Valley, protecting both creatures and crystals alike. Despite attacks from those looking to claim the primal magic, it seemed that nothing could get past the brackernā€™s defenses. Nothing, that is, until the devastation of a Rune War.

A vicious battle was fought near the Odyn Valley and the unleashed chaotic magic poisoned the crystals. The brackern began to grow sick and die, and no amount of defensive magic could reverse the effects. To avoid extinction, their only course was to hibernate underground until the wars stopped. The strongest, most intelligent brackern hibernated closer to the surface to awaken first and assess the worldā€™s condition for the return of their race. The recent mining operations and violent escalation in Kalamanda were enough to awaken the first of these vanguards. When Skarner burst to the surface, he lashed out in anger and confusion. Reason eventually won out over his anger when he realized that the agents of the League who found him were simply functionaries. Skarner was invited to the Institute of War to share the brackernā€™s story. In return, the summoners told him about the history that his kind had slept through. Much had been done to curb the unchecked use of magic since the Rune Wars, but it was obvious that the world was not yet safe for his kind to reawaken. For now, however, there is a place where Skarner can use his power to change the world into one to which his kind could eventually return: the League of Legends.

ā€The humans have not yet learned to control their magic ā€“ what once was Kalamanda is now a crystal scar on the history of this world.ā€ ā€“ Skarner


Energize (Passive): Basic attacks lower the cooldowns of Skarnerā€™s abilities by 1 second against champions and 0.5 seconds against non-champions.

Crystal Slash: Skarner lashes out with his claws, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and charging himself with Crystal Energy for several seconds. If he casts Crystal Slash again while empowered by Crystal Energy, he deals bonus magic damage and slows all targets hit.

Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner gains a shield and while the shield persists his movement speed and attack speed are both increased.

Fracture: Skarner summons a blast of crystalline energy which deals damage to enemies struck and marks them. Any further damage dealt to marked targets by Skarner will allow him to consume the mark to heal himself.

Impale (Ultimate): Skarner suppresses an enemy champion and deals magic damage to it. During this time, Skarner can move freely and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, Skarnerā€™s target will be dealt additional damage.
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Runes r defansifly becase you want to be durable early on so you can go into a enmy team inpale drag enemy carry to your team kill him and so Thats why i take healt qutesenses Marks ATK DMG beacause demage in gue is scaled with AD so you will need some for some ealy dmg . Alsso Seals ARMOR and GLyph Magical resistance
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Masterys r 1 21 0 Also defanseflu beacause if what i sad erlier
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Ranked Play

This is not junngling guide but if you r jungling ask teamate to pull golem for you . Alsow tell when you have ulty and don who you will use it .
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Team Work

tell when you have ulty and don who you will use it
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USe E to hit as many creeps you can rhen use q to heal and When you r farming with Q stand in midle if Creeps to you will hit more of them .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkIguana
DarkIguana Skarner Guide
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Skarner will leave you Skar

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