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Skarner Build Guide by yaympe

Skarners Crystal Slawter

Skarners Crystal Slawter

Updated on August 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yaympe Build Guide By yaympe 3,397 Views 0 Comments
3,397 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author yaympe Skarner Build Guide By yaympe Updated on August 15, 2011
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Skarner is a powerful hybrid champion if played with the right items and by an experienced champion. This guide is not a begginers guide to Skarner as it reqquires timing and the ability to know when to use skills.
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As you can see above i have focused my runes on as this is because it allows yoyur passive energize to be far more effective early game.
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i Have based my Skarner masteries in defense this is because most of the defensive items are based in the late game meaning this masteries allow you to stay in you lane far longer then you normally would be able to.
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The items for skarner are based on survival and damage. this is because as a melee champion you are normally the 1st in a team fight to be hit by the width of your oppnents spells.
I start with Boots mainly because it allows you to chase and kill enemy champions early game as you should noy have to return to base untill lvl 5 or 6 which at this point you can conplete your boots and buy a sheen.
after entering mid game you should be buying hexdrinker and TiaMat these 2 items are quite cheap but highly useful as Hexdrinker allowa you to take a magical ulti while running away without losing any health and tiamat gives you splash Damage.
After entering Late game you should of built a guinsoos rageblade which damage and extra attack speed allows you to refresh your skills far quicker then normal.
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quick and easy kills
good survivability
high atack damgage
good armor and magick resistance
Mana reliant early and mid game
ulti not that effective unless with team
is normally targeted first or second in team fights.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yaympe
yaympe Skarner Guide
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Skarners Crystal Slawter

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