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Kennen Build Guide by WastedRing

Support smurf on them noobs with KENNEN SUPP

Support smurf on them noobs with KENNEN SUPP

Updated on March 16, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WastedRing Build Guide By WastedRing 2,049 Views 0 Comments
2,049 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WastedRing Kennen Build Guide By WastedRing Updated on March 16, 2021
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Runes: smurf

Arcane Comet
Nimbus Cloak

Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

smurf on them noobs with KENNEN SUPP

By WastedRing
If you go Everfrost, abuse it to extend the CC when making a gank or a play around dragon or bot.

If you go Protobelt, try to find flanks to cheese them with your R-E-W on 1-2 targets. This CC is BIG and you can deal a surprising amount of damage.

If you go supp build (Moonstone/Staff), just play BORING and pull out spell rotations.
Early Game
Poke poke poke,
Poke is the name of the game here.
Lvl 1-2 just try to hit your 1 and poke with AA.
level 3 try to look for weaker targets to E onto and catch them out.
Level 4-5 repeat the same.

When you hit level 6, you become powerful. Try to flash + R onto weak targets. Alternatively wait for gank while prepping your flash + R + E combo to lock them down.

ABUSE YOUR EXHAUST, you can hit so many combos with exhaust and your CC passive.
Try to stack your supp item, ward well.
If you win lane, ward deep to get vision, etc, etc, basic supp stuff
Mid Game
This is where you shine, you need to be active on the map and look for R engages around vision on dragon, midlane and maybe herald if bot is pushed. Sweep the area, move in cheesy ways and look for E-Q-W-R combos on unsuspecting targets.
Late Game
You are the playmaker, you need to be active and have parts of the team or all the team ready for your engages. Find 2-3 people to pick out and CC them all.
You need to play around your team.
Since you dont have the damage you suually have with the reduced amount of gold (SADGE), you need your team. But if you have your team on your back, you will be unstoppable if you play the flanks/ganks/vision right, since the CC is BIG.

Highly recommended if you're tired of the same old supp build.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author WastedRing
WastedRing Kennen Guide
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smurf on them noobs with KENNEN SUPP

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