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Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
O hai.
MAKE SURE YOU LAST HIT!!!!!! With Tristana, last hitting creeps is not only a source of income, but also a way to harass the enemy/kill even more creeps. That is why I max Explosive Shot first. Also, the ability itself is useful for harassing as well. Tristana is extremely mana-hungry early game, and since I use her as a hybrid, that is why I get Mana-Regen Glyphs.
EDIT: Changed MP5 to MP5/lvl---- the bonuses r more worth it.
EDIT 2: Changed back...
EDIT: Changed MP5 to MP5/lvl---- the bonuses r more worth it.
EDIT 2: Changed back...
Like I stated previously, Explosive Shot is your main harass tool. However, a great way to completely burst the enemy mid down (especially if they are a more squishy one, like Malzahar) is by Rocket Jumping over them and subsequently Buster Shotting them back to your turret. Make sure your Rapid Fire is active during this sequence, and if you have the mana, Explosive Shot them at the end. Try this sequence as soon as possible after you hit lvl 6, it almost always results in a kill. Be very careful of the juke, because if they move back, then you will Buster Shot them into their turret and aid their escape. However, what's awesome is that Buster Shot's cd is tiny, and therefore it's not too much of a waste.
WOW NOOB U UZED HEAL WTF!!?!?!?!?!!!! Heal is great for Tristana, especially to stay in lane. It's not too useful late game, however, and some people like to use Exhaust or Flash instead. If you pick Exhaust, make sure to replace the mastery point in heal with the one in Exhaust. For Flash, though, you probably will need to rework the masteries a bit. I don't like flash on Tristana simply because of the fact that Rocket Jump will do the same thing for you. Teleport is just an essential on any mid.
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