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Fiora Build Guide by Xanda

Solo Top Fiora

Solo Top Fiora

Updated on March 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xanda Build Guide By Xanda 2,525 Views 0 Comments
2,525 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xanda Fiora Build Guide By Xanda Updated on March 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Hi I am XandaPanda and I am going to show you the correct way you should be playing Fiora. Fiora is a DPS champ with a lot of burst damage, and she can chase down almost anything when played correctly. This is my first guide so please don't go to hard on me :).

I live in Australia and have been playing since around the Swain Patch, I specialize in playing Tanky Dps/AS. I really do hope that this guide will help new players just like this website helped me when i first joined. Thanks
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Pros / Cons

    Amazing Burst Damage.
    Two Dashes in one with
Great farmer when used correctly.
Amazing at pushing mid/late game can easily take down a turret in under 10 seconds.
Able to deflect abilities such as Siphoning Strike with Riposte.
Riposte allows her to win most of the 1v1 with another AD champ.

    Can be very squishy.
    Very CC vulnerable.
    Lots of armour can be a problem.
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Definitely not finished accidentally clicked the publish button instead of view. Sorry.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xanda
Xanda Fiora Guide
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