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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
There are champs that can counter vlad very easily just like any other champ a few of those are talon, malz, kass and cait (most ranged ad champs can push vlad hard untill you get will of the ancients)
I hope you enjoy my guide
- This vlad build is very sterdy and cand dish out a load of dmg mid and late game
- vlad is one of the strongest mids in LoL and is hard to be countered
- is extreamly useful during team fights to deal damage
- is a little squishy untill you get Hextech revolver
- he loses most of his tankyness in team fights if you get focused simpy because it comes from his spell vamp
- This vlad build is very sterdy and cand dish out a load of dmg mid and late game
- vlad is one of the strongest mids in LoL and is hard to be countered
- is extreamly useful during team fights to deal damage
- is a little squishy untill you get Hextech revolver
- he loses most of his tankyness in team fights if you get focused simpy because it comes from his spell vamp
Yes this may look like a very odd build for a ap champ, but thnx to his passive it actualy makes vlad quite tanky while giveing him a decent ap boost early game and giveing him a massive amout of health late game due to the Greater Quintessence of Endurance plus the MR for mid come in very handy.
Transfusion- vlad's main sorce of damage and healing this is one of the things that makes vlad tanky
Sanguine Pool- Vlad's utilaty spell makeing him untragetable. this spell is very useful when entering team fights most people say this is a bad idea but from my xp with playing vlad if you play him right you WILL be focused, useing this when engageing will encurage the other team to atack other champs and usaly they are so busy trying to focus you when they go into a team fight they all lose focus and your team ends up dealing massive damage with your team takes spread out damage. note this skill can avoid alot of ults such as Ashe's ult, Ezreal's ult and most inportant of all Cait's op ult and forceing her to wait the full cd to use it again
Tides of Blood- after you get Hextech revolver you should try to keep up all 4 stacks at all times this makes his Transfusion heal for alot more makeing him more sustanable.
Hemoplague- should be used for a last hit early game if possible simply because most people have a tendencey of runing from vlad. note that you should also try and use this before you use sanguine pool if the entire enemy team is grouped togeather tightly enough to hit them all
spell rotation
when in lane - use e then q that way you get the maximum amount of healing out of your rotation
Teamfight- W, E, Q
note:( you should always use your E before you use your Q unless you can get a kill with your Q that you cant get with your E then an enamy was runing)
Sanguine Pool- Vlad's utilaty spell makeing him untragetable. this spell is very useful when entering team fights most people say this is a bad idea but from my xp with playing vlad if you play him right you WILL be focused, useing this when engageing will encurage the other team to atack other champs and usaly they are so busy trying to focus you when they go into a team fight they all lose focus and your team ends up dealing massive damage with your team takes spread out damage. note this skill can avoid alot of ults such as Ashe's ult, Ezreal's ult and most inportant of all Cait's op ult and forceing her to wait the full cd to use it again
Tides of Blood- after you get Hextech revolver you should try to keep up all 4 stacks at all times this makes his Transfusion heal for alot more makeing him more sustanable.
Hemoplague- should be used for a last hit early game if possible simply because most people have a tendencey of runing from vlad. note that you should also try and use this before you use sanguine pool if the entire enemy team is grouped togeather tightly enough to hit them all
spell rotation
when in lane - use e then q that way you get the maximum amount of healing out of your rotation
Teamfight- W, E, Q
note:( you should always use your E before you use your Q unless you can get a kill with your Q that you cant get with your E then an enamy was runing)
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