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Sona Build Guide by peezmania

Support Sona = Win

Support Sona = Win

Updated on November 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author peezmania Build Guide By peezmania 1,438 Views 0 Comments
1,438 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author peezmania Sona Build Guide By peezmania Updated on November 4, 2012
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My first hero build, and the very first build had to be Sona. She is my go to champion when I feel like winning and this is the build that I go for. Sona is super volatile to meet your team's need. I usually go for cd reduction as in team fights you will heal and poke every two seconds. Plus if that wasn't great enough, you have one of the most feared ults in the game.

Here is a quick Pros and Cons in my opinion:

* All the elements you look for in a support (heal, speed, poke, and cc)
* Can help a mediocre team look pro
* Early game harassment (Power Cord on Q is ridic)
* Win games

* Squeshy
* In team fights, will be always targeted first
* Need smart laning partner
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Runes Explaination

I want to start off by first and foremost state that my build is not perfect (yet). I want to share what I have been doing and been doing it very successfully.

I love CD. That is it. At one point I had max CD (plush magic pen and HP) but I felt I was too squeshy. So That is the explaination of the build

Rune Builds I wanna try:

Greater Seal of Resilience (9) - 12.69 armor
Greater Mark of Insight (9) - 8.55 magic pen
Greater Glyph of Focus (9) - 5.85 cd
Greater Quintessence of Fortitude (3) - 78 HP
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Masteries Explaination

Good hands over Expanded Mind - With tears GG

Iunno, everything else looks pretty self explanatory.
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Now I wish I could show you two alternative builds with flashy pics but I'm not a computer programmer.

Depending on how you are doing by lvl 3, I make the determination whether to poke and harass aggressive or support with heal (w).

I always get Song of Celerity at lvl 5, as I feel I need heal (w) and poke (e) more in early game. Depending on how our team is doing as a whole I will make the determination whether to max out heal first or q first.

I played a game where I raised my ult at 6 then 15 and 16 and maxed out my q and w first. I was nervous as all hell but I did really well. I don't think I have the balls to try that again in a rank game, but I will try again and provide updates.

... Hopefully by then I will learn a few tricks and make this build guide more presentable.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author peezmania
peezmania Sona Guide
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Sona = Win

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