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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
AP, AP, and more AP
:Passive: This ability is what defines the Crimson Reaper. Understanding of this mechanic will be a constant boon and is essential to playing Vladimir. Also note, that the returns from AP into HP are greater than those of HP to AP, and as such, is why AP items/runes/ect., are more important.
:Q: The most Important tool you have as a crimson reaper, it is your lifeline. As such maxing it out by level 9 is a must. Learn to successfully zone/harass with this and you'll be on the right track.
Levels: 1-3-5-7-9
:W: The only crowd control-esque move you have, but it is often better served as your main escape mechanism. Get the hang of using this move at the right time to slow/damage or escape your foes, but don't be too trigger happy with it at early levels as it has a long cooldown. Combined with Hemoplague at later levels, it can help to devastate the enemy team.
Levels: 4-8-10-12-13
:E: This powers your Transfusion and destroys minion waves. As long as you have a good amount of health, don't be afraid to keep up the stacks on this even if there are no enemy units, just BE CAREFUL.
Levels: 2-14-15-17-18
:R: This move is the reason Vladimir makes an amazing teammate. If properly coordinated with your team, you can wipe out the entire enemy team in one swoop, sometimes even if they have Exalted with Baron Nashor. This is easier said than done however, and as I said, requires optimal team work. This can also net you the extra damage needed to kill your opposing mid-laner in the early phases of the game.
Levels: 6-11-16
......this guide is still a work in progress
Thank you for reading
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