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Pantheon Build Guide by knezic92



Updated on August 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author knezic92 Build Guide By knezic92 2,278 Views 1 Comments
2,278 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author knezic92 Pantheon Build Guide By knezic92 Updated on August 23, 2012
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Chapter 1

Far above the clouds on Mount Gargantuan resides a stalwart tribe of people known as the Stanpar who still revere combat and war as ultimate artforms. They remember the Rune Wars of Runeterra and know that the League of Legends can only repress the rising tides of violence for so long. Each member of the tribe is bred to be a disciplined and vicious warrior, preferring to battle soldiers of either the Noxian or Demacian armies only when outnumbered at least ten to one. Stanpar warriors are trained not only to be as lethal with their bare hands as the most capable martial artists, but also to fiercely wield the many relic-weapons of the tribe. Such treasures have been handed down from generation to generation, and have harnessed the mystical nature of Runeterra in their very cores. These relic-weapons are among the most dangerous in existence - and it comes as no surprise that they have found their way to the League of Legends in the hands of Pantheon.

This stone-faced warrior is a paragon of his people, his very existence an anthem of exultation to the art of combat. Pantheon found it insulting that the people of Valoran would install an organization to replace war, complete with so-called champions, without including the Stanpar. Gathering the blessings of his tribe and armed with the relics of his ancestors, he has descended on the League to show the world a true warrior. He cares not who he fights, and cares nothing for the pageantry or prestige of a League champion, but lives only for the austere glory of battle. As long as Pantheon breathes, he thirsts for another foe to vanquish.

"I was hoping they had more reinforcements." - Pantheon, standing amidst the pieces of a brutalized Noxian battalion.
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Chapter 2


As any character in the League, Pantheon has some very strong advantages but also some annoying disadvantages. Knowing Pantheon's weaknesses and strengths is a very important part for understanding his game philosophy.


-Awesome nuke
-Fun to play
-Great farmer
-Ranged poke
-Build-in teleport
-Very strong early game
-Good initiator


-Very team dependant
-Thirsty(mana hog)
-Can create tunnel vision
-Easely countered
- Grand Skyfall requires practice
-Kill or get killed
-His ruthless skin sucks^^
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Chapter 3

Using Pantheons ultimate(Grand Skyfall)

So you check out Pantheons ultimate:.
Pantheons ultimate is basically a ranged Teleport.
It can be use for:

-Defending distant turrets.
-Placing yourself correctly into battle.
-Assisting in distant fights.
-Kill people who recall back and feel safe inside their turrets(sort of my favorite^^).

Total cast time is 3.5 seconds. Keep that in mind every time you aim your
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League of Legends Build Guide Author knezic92
knezic92 Pantheon Guide
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