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Jarvan IV Build Guide by Ragnarokvii

Stacking,Jungle, Jarvan

Stacking,Jungle, Jarvan

Updated on June 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ragnarokvii Build Guide By Ragnarokvii 3,472 Views 5 Comments
3,472 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ragnarokvii Jarvan IV Build Guide By Ragnarokvii Updated on June 10, 2011
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Carry Jarvan.

In this i will not tell you how to play Jarvan but what i will say is a build that works for me in most games. For those of us that have played him.. he is not a REAL tank like Rammus, however any feed character can carry a game tank or not. The item build i laid out gives me a 80% pub win ratio. I start my jungle at blue golem with smite and a leash. with the exp bonus from awareness you will be level two, and will gank the closet lane to you. Team work is mandatory in this build to get you kills/assists. If the lane played defensive you can roll in use the standard + dragon strike knock up to focus a target and use flash on them when they go to escape for a kill. if u missed the kill you can snag the weaker golems and get level 3 and flank gank again. after that play the game how you and your friends play. I recommend Rushing wriggles and merc treads. Make sure to use the wiggles lantern as much as possible and key locations either for counter jungle or anti-gank Farming fast by ganks and last hitting as u pass lanes and counter jungle if u can. get your stacks started and good wards will make you late game beast if u can use ult + flash + standard + dragon strike skills well you should carry the game. late game sell merc treads and get PL or w.e u need to counter. you also can replace Force of Nature with what ever to counter the opposing teams carry. Jarvan early game is a ganking Beast early game as jungle.. this build has done well for me.. and any comments are welcome. I know this is a short guide, however we all know you can read a guide all you want but how you play is how you play. so best of luck and let me know what you think.
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IF your team is getting owned early game LIKE REALLY BAD!! stacking items prolly wont work.. and should refer to another Jarvan guide. But if early game starts smooth capitalize on it and stack it.
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Notes from posts.

Forgot to add, sell wriggles to make room for late game item if needed. but a free ward all game is hard to toss out :/
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ragnarokvii
Ragnarokvii Jarvan IV Guide
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Stacking,Jungle, Jarvan

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