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Morgana Build Guide by bolarakis

Support / Utility Morgana

Support / Utility Morgana

Updated on August 8, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bolarakis Build Guide By bolarakis 4,284 Views 0 Comments
4,284 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bolarakis Morgana Build Guide By bolarakis Updated on August 8, 2011
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This is a support / utility build for Morgana. This guide is intended for solo middle, the 2v2 build only has a different purchase order rushing the catalyst a little sooner by purchasing a sapphire crystal and a health potion at the start of the game. The skill sequence also changes in 2v2, if your lane partner is a hard carry that you are baby sitting then you should level up Dark Binding first and avoid using the Tormented Soil so not to take away his or her precious farm. It is important to play Morgana as a role player in the 2v2 lane. Your goal is to either gank the other team with Dark Binding spam or to create space between them and your lane partner so your partner can free farm.
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The runes I recommend for Morgana are almost all for survival.

The move speed is nice from the quintessence is nice for survival, ganking and escapes. Obvious synergy with her ultimate.

The magic resist from the glyph of warding is also for survival but if you notice with the glyph and abyssal scepter Morgana is toting a magic resist of 100.41, this activates an extra .5 seconds of the on use effect of Randuin's Omen.

The Seal of Clarity is nice for early game lane sustainability. This seal helps Morgana be more of a threat 1 on 1 while maintaining mana for her to farm creep waves with Tormented Soil. If you are in a 2v2 lane, you might want to consider a different rune. You will be more likely in a 2v2 to cast less of your Tormented Soil and also gain less experience and thus have less benefit from the Seal of Clarity. If you know you'll be in a 2v2, you might want to consider flat AP or the flat mp5. This lets you spam your Dark Binding for more damage or just more often maintaining lane control over your opponents.

Mark of Insight is there to round out Morgana and have her do a bit more damage and have some early game harass.
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Summoner Spells

Exhaust - Good escape, good chase, good early game and good late game. Great skill for team fights. Obvious benefits with Soul Shackles.

Flash - Good escape, good chase, good early game and good late game. Obvious benefits with Soul shackles and Randuin's Omen for team fights. Flash, Soul Shackles is a skill sequence you should get use to.

Ghost and Teleport are also fine skills that I have used with Morgana. I prefer exhaust/flash, honestly I hate not having flash as it is so useful with Soul Shackles and Randuin's Omen. Exhaust is also a much more powerful skill late game than ghost or teleport. You are filling a support role and shutting down 1 person in a team fight, chasing someone down with your team and or just ganking is huge.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bolarakis
bolarakis Morgana Guide
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Support / Utility Morgana

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