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Karma Build Guide by Ale Destruidor

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Updated on August 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ale Destruidor Build Guide By Ale Destruidor 2,373 Views 0 Comments
2,373 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ale Destruidor Karma Build Guide By Ale Destruidor Updated on August 6, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Well, when i first saw karma i thougt she was just a everage champion, nothing great...

But then i saw it in game i saw a goddess.

So lets begin the way of playing Karma.
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Pros / Cons

Well karma is too much underestimated, what makes her an easy way to surprise them...


Great Farming
Great Survivability for her or allies
Easily turns the tides of the battle
Can nuke very well...
She is even better when she has less life...
Very versatile


Low life in the start
Low mana too
Too much Mantra dependable
Very hard to play without Kill Stealing! (this is realy hard)

I think this is it!
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I put these runes trying to minimize Mantra CD time and to give a little boost on her spells at the early game and trying to not have problems with mana.
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For masteries I preffer 9/0/21 because this improves her CD reduction, Magic Penetration, AP, etc...

So the benefits are great.
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For itens, I always get first a Meki Pendant, for Mana regen, then i turn it into a fiendish codex for Mana regen, AP and CD reduction.

For Boots i sometimes use the Ionian and sometimes the sorceres shoes.

Kage luck pick for some extra gold, not that u need cause she farms greatly.

Hextech revolver and Will of the Ancients omg that makes her imortal!

Rylays is an iten that i still do not know why did they make it so OP but well i can live with that xD

Deathfire Grasp will just help u to get kills very easily... even in tankers xD

Rabbadons and Zhonias will let her a nuker, a destroyng nuker...

So this is enougth for now...
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Summoner Spells

For the summoner Spells, i always choose flash, cause i think he can save, kill, support, this is so versatile that i cant even think in a game without it...

and the key is the ignite...

In the early game she isnt able to deal that much damage, but with the lane partner, u can let it almost dying and ignite it for lots of screams from the enemy on you xD
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Farming with her...

I hate to see people farming the wrong way with her, its disgusting to see then using spirit bond to deal damage on minions...

I use a 2 spells combo to push a lane in 20 sec...

Mantra + Soul Shield and heavenly wave...
Use this combo only when u have a large amount of CD reduction with mantra, else, use only the heaveny wave and take a longer time...

spirit bond i always let prepared for a possible gank or a chasing...
Use it in minions is waste of time and mana...
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Team Work

The hardest part of playing with karma is to know how to cooperate with the team...

well when u have the rylays scepter and Will of the Ancients just use the combo Mantra + Soul shield on the ally nearest the enemy

use spirit bond on him too and tell him to pass the enemys... it works greatly when used in the tanker...

It will stop the other team and let them in panic.

Care not to KS with the shield, it deals lots of damage and can let teammates furious...

Heavenly wave is the spells that will save your life when u dont have the shield, will save your and your allies life.

Its hard to know the timing for her, but it works so great when u got it.
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I tried to explain how do i play Karma and what do i do to rape with them...

I have no Screenshot yet but i think its more a pratical learning than a looking into pictures...

See you in the games

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ale Destruidor
Ale Destruidor Karma Guide
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