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Swain Build Guide by Houtz

Swain AP Tanky Killer Build - Inspired by Shushei

Swain AP Tanky Killer Build - Inspired by Shushei

Updated on September 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Houtz Build Guide By Houtz 7,221 Views 1 Comments
7,221 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Houtz Swain Build Guide By Houtz Updated on September 24, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Swain
  • LoL Champion: Swain


Hi guys, i don't know what i can say here..i am no high elo,i just mained swain and i love english kinda be patient with me please,if you don't understand something just tell me and i'll try to explain it to you..please vote if you liked my guide,this is my first one so..i hope you like it :)
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Skill Combo

E > Q > R > W

It always works. But you gotta make sure that your E is level 5, your E is you main damage skill,so make sure it's level 5.
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Swain is a really good farmer, all you have to do is use your R and your W to farm,just don't waste mana if you don't have blue buff or you may get ganked and killed.
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Blue buff

Swain needs blue buff,so ask for a team mate to leash blue for you or help you killing it,because swain is kinda weak without blue buff and he waste A LOT of mana.
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Pros / Cons

Pros :
- Very strong tank late game.
- Very strong laner early/mid/late game.
- Amazing damage early/mid/late game.
- Amazing farmer.
- Very fun character.

Cons :
- A lot of people calling you OP.
- Kinda weak without blue buff.
- You're kinda squishy before level 6.
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Summoner Spells

For summoner spells i use Flash as escape mechanism and very good spell for tower diving (which is very easy with swain cause of his R),and ignite because it's very good for first blood and a good damage for killing enemys that are escaping and your abilites are on cooldown.
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Well,my items choice are for fighting against a balaced team with AP and AD characters (which is the most common).

This build will make you an AMAZING caster late game and early game,with A LOT of damage and a lot of survivabily.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Houtz
Houtz Swain Guide
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Swain AP Tanky Killer Build - Inspired by Shushei

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