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Swain Build Guide by Drahque

Swain BABY, The OP Off-tank!

Swain BABY, The OP Off-tank!

Updated on January 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Drahque Build Guide By Drahque 15 11 42,697 Views 48 Comments
15 11 42,697 Views 48 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Drahque Swain Build Guide By Drahque Updated on January 16, 2012
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Short information about the build

If you like this build, then why not check out my new Caitlyn build out? She is one of the best carries if builded correctly:
- Link to: Caitlyn - The TRUE Carry build

Please comment and try the build and strategies before voting. Thank you.

This is an REALLY awesome off-tank build for Swain, with some REALLY nice utility cause he gets 40,06% Cooldown reduction (40% is maximum) after just about 20-25 minutes. And in the middle and lane game he gets so tanky, and with a good early game he will be able to 1v3 or even 1v5 if you're really fed.

People is gonna focus you, cause they hate you, but be happy for that, cause you're gonna eat much more health than any tank could. One game, I had 51k damage taken, and our Shen had just 27k hp. Also I had healed WHOLE 37k out of the 51k damage taken, I mean? OP MORE?

This is the reason to everyone at HIGH ELO is playing Swain at the moment, he is so so good, especially with the new Ionian boots and Zhonya's rings.

Most importantly note about Swain, is that he can just use his Hourglass if he gets low hp, then his ultimate will continie healing, once they can attack you again, you will have max health again. EAT MORE DMG? This is like 2x Mundo. With just 3x more damage dealt.

P.S. Today I got 30-1-14 score with this build in a RANKED Game at 1400 rating, people was like, OMFG? Who is you're main account? ^^,
P.S.S. I choose Cleanse to remove ignites if I get too focused and there is a Ignite and/or Exhaust on me - also it can be used to escapes, or if Ashe arrowed you etc.

Please comment and try the build and strategies before voting. Thank you.

P.S. as you asked for an example of a Ranked game with this build, here is one:

As you can see I tanked WHOLE 97k DAMAGE, have you ever seen any tank, tank that?

Even better, I healed WHOLE freaking 53k of that damage, it's EVEN better than a Mundo. Can you imagine a Mundo who also have a extremely nice lazerbird who can slow, a snare and so much AOE? Swain deals much more damage than Mundo and also heals much more.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Drahque
Drahque Swain Guide
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