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Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
This is my first guide on mobafire, I was inspired to right this guide by seeing this build a few weeks back, and then trying it for myself.
This build rocks, and if you follow it, you will/should win your lane.
Make sure you start with boots with 3 health pots, after that farm using W since the skill gives your mana back.
The boots should be upgraded to merc treads whenever you can.
Some optional items which you can get are:
Instead of Deathcap --> Zhonya's Hourglass
Instead of Void staff --> Hextech gunblade
The items are situational ,and if you aren't facing much magic resist, then it would be worthwhile to get Hextech instead of the void staff.
It really depends on the situation.
The boots should be upgraded to merc treads whenever you can.
Some optional items which you can get are:
Instead of Deathcap --> Zhonya's Hourglass
Instead of Void staff --> Hextech gunblade
The items are situational ,and if you aren't facing much magic resist, then it would be worthwhile to get Hextech instead of the void staff.
It really depends on the situation.
If you have a jungler in the match, then wait for him to be ready for the gank, when he's ready then flash in, E>Q>Ignite. IF the target has flash, make sure you wait until he flashes before using your W. Unless he's on cooldown for it.
When in lane use W to farm, this lets the enemy get comfortable thinking they aren't gonna get snared. Then use a health pot and E>Q them, make sure you keep attacking them while E is on them.
Using your W skill takes practice, as you need to be able to predict where they will move to, you also need to be subtle about it, since if they think you're going to use it then they will flash etc.
So the best way is to Q>E and auto attack them and then deploy W and enjoy.
When you are using your ult make sure to follow behind the target, and auto attack and then move.
When in lane use W to farm, this lets the enemy get comfortable thinking they aren't gonna get snared. Then use a health pot and E>Q them, make sure you keep attacking them while E is on them.
Using your W skill takes practice, as you need to be able to predict where they will move to, you also need to be subtle about it, since if they think you're going to use it then they will flash etc.
So the best way is to Q>E and auto attack them and then deploy W and enjoy.
When you are using your ult make sure to follow behind the target, and auto attack and then move.
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