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Swain Build Guide by Expo Anonymous

Swain brings the pain

Swain brings the pain

Updated on August 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Expo Anonymous Build Guide By Expo Anonymous 1,835 Views 0 Comments
1,835 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Expo Anonymous Swain Build Guide By Expo Anonymous Updated on August 17, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Swain
  • LoL Champion: Swain


Hey internet! This is my first guide on Mobafire, and im a little nervous! But nevertheless, I present to you my guide!
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Swain is one of my favorite mid characters he is a great mid and really just own's everyone's face! I hope you like my guide and have as much success with it as i do!
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pretty standard, seals insight for MP, marks of force for AP, replenishment seals for mana regen, and potency quints for AP
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pretty straight forward, nothing special
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Start: standard Boot three hp
i get a dorans ring for nice HP and a little ap
convert boots to MP boots,
then get your kage's lucky pick, wich will later be turned to a deathfire grasp.
Grab a rod of ages and then go straight for your deathfire grasp
Then grab a Rabbodans hat ( great item! so much ap!) then grab your rylai's scepter.
Now sell your Doran's ring for a Archangel staff then sick your bird on dem hoes!!
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Skill sequence

Always open with never move, Decrepify so they are slowed, and Torment and pop your ult! Then watch there health disappear
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Summoner spells

Flash for quick escape, and ignite for that kill that you would've missed with out it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Expo Anonymous
Expo Anonymous Swain Guide
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Swain brings the pain

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