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Swain Build Guide by Atrineas

Swain - Devistation

Swain - Devistation

Updated on March 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Atrineas Build Guide By Atrineas 2,024 Views 0 Comments
2,024 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Atrineas Swain Build Guide By Atrineas Updated on March 27, 2012
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This is my first build. Beacuse of this build i wanted to make a MOBAfire account. :D

This swain build made me tear up the whole enemy team. I got 1 penta and 1 quadra in the same game. Use Decrepify to slow down a for then use Nevermove. I found this very effective and made the Nevermove a lot easier to use, AND HIT.
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I am so low level on my summoner, so i dont use all the runes, but i tested with these runes on a friends account. :D They worked really well because when i have cooldown reduction i can spam spells more, MORE DAMAGE - MORE KILLS. I didnt use any cooldown reduction items beacuse runes did the job.
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Summoner Spells

I use Flash and Ignite mostly. But you can change Ignite to Ghost to chase down enemies. If you cant reach them with Decrepify you cant reach them at all. As simple as that! unless the enemies have really low walkspeed, RARE!!! I dont acually tried any other summoner spells, but i guess you could try others out and find out what fits you the most.

PS: If you find any summoner spells that works better or mabe just suits you, COMMENT.
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Pros / Cons

As i mensiond in summoner spells, walkspeed is problem.


- Decrepify -> Nevermove is superb
- Mana regen because of passive
- 570 + AP = A lot damage
- almost 20 Magic penetration


- Movement speed is kinda low
- Basic attacks dont do a lot of damage
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I only have two things to say here.

Ravens Flock is awesome against huge minion-waves, and the same with Nevermove.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Atrineas
Atrineas Swain Guide
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Swain - Devistation

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