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Swain Build Guide by mrepicbread

Swain DFG burst build

Swain DFG burst build

Updated on July 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mrepicbread Build Guide By mrepicbread 4,867 Views 0 Comments
4,867 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mrepicbread Swain Build Guide By mrepicbread Updated on July 10, 2011
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This build will give Swain a heavy burst damage late game. Designed for very agressive play.
The reason I like this build is that it's taking advantage of ALL Swain has to offer.
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This build is based on the extra dagame torment gives to DFG and Ignite. Hourglass i always a must on Swain because it doesen't interrupt his ultimate. This build is harder then most builds because you have more spells to use in your combo. The cobo variates, but you should always have torment on when you use DFG and Ignite.
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early game

This build doesen't give much mana, but mana isn't a problem if you play swain as a mage. With this damage, you won't need much mana.
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Chapter 3

Once this build is finnished you can easy burst down enemies using torment combined with Ignite and Deathfire Grasp. This will make you a better one-target burster, but you will still be able to stand fighting in big teamfights with just as good AOE damage as before.
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Fun facts about Swain


+ Swain was the first Champion to be announced and then reworked before it went live.

+ Nevermove is a reference to the narrative poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.

+ While Ravenous Flock is active, Swain has three seperate /jokes and an additional /taunt, unlike other champions with "true forms".

+ The transformed model closely resembles one of the Greater Daemons of Tzeentch, Lords of Change, from the Warhammer universe.

+ Swain's raven is named "Beatrice".

+ The color of Swain's form in ravenous flock varies, depending on what skin Swain is chosen to be in. In his original skin, he turns black, whilst in his Northern Front skin and Bilgewater skin he turns white and red respectively.

+ Swain was designed by Coronach.

+ Swain was a member of the Black Rose, a dark group that has been around since before the rise of the military goverment in Noxus. They are thought to no longer exist, but Leblanc the Deceiver is its leader and is working on getting the Black Rose back into the public's eye.

+ Swain is one of the few champions to have an Art Spotlight, along with Cassiopeia, Karma, Renekton, Trundle, Maokai, Nocturne and Lee Sin.

+ According to Babaganoosh, Swain was unable to compete in the Ionia Versus Noxus Grudge Match due to have just been recently promoted to the Noxian High Command and thus needed to take time away from the League to put all his affairs in order.

+ Swain's name may be a reference to a character named The Mastermind, made by flash producer TheSwain: both characters bear a good resemblance in tactics and intellect to one another.

+ Swain's innate ability when he went live was "Whenever Swain kills an enemy unit, his mana regeneration is increased by 300%". While true, it only affected his base mana regeneration, which wasn't clear. It was changed to its current incarnation to give nearly the same effect, but in a form that is much easier to understand.

Taken from League of Legends Wiki.
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Thnx for reading this build. Give it a try!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mrepicbread
mrepicbread Swain Guide
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Swain DFG burst build

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