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Swain Build Guide by Phoxez

Swain is great

Swain is great

Updated on July 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoxez Build Guide By Phoxez 1,588 Views 0 Comments
1,588 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoxez Swain Build Guide By Phoxez Updated on July 20, 2012
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Hi guys, phoxez here!

I main swain right now and I believe he is a very viable top and mid champion. I prefer him in mid because top is mostly against tanky champs, and laning vs a squishy is muh easier. Also in this build you build some MR, but no armor. So i suggest always going mid over top.

I will not teach you how to play swain, only present my build and why i choose these items. I believe mobafire is only about the items, runes and masteries and what skills to lvl first. If u wanna l2p swain i advice you to go to youtube, because thats much better.
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Why these items?

I prefer dorans ring over boots on swain because the mana helps and the extra ap + hp helps u win trades. Go back early if u lose trades so u dont lose lane but dorans should gove u the upper hand against boots users. Mana is helpful too.

ROA before the boots2:
U want ROA always. Perfect item for swain, for loads of reasons. But the reason you take ROA before boots 2 is cuz the earlier u get roa the better. Earlier stacks on that helps immensly. U wanna start roaming as soon u have roa and sorc. Boots. And of course lvl 6.

With ur kit u have a lot of cc. With rylais together with roa, u are SO tanky. And that wiith ur awesome ult makes kids cry cuz u wont die in small scrimages. They cant escape cuz of ur slows by rylai and more ap.

Wota and spirit:
More spell vamp!! Unless u get 5 people bursting u down right away, u will last so long in teamfights. More cdr is great too.

Optional but great, also optional Is zonya's or dfg. It all depends on ur enemies. Consider swapping sorc shoes for merc treads if ur sick of cc of the enemy team
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Phoxez
Phoxez Swain Guide
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Swain is great

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