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Swain Build Guide by CptnHooks

Swain: The AD Master

Swain: The AD Master

Updated on September 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CptnHooks Build Guide By CptnHooks 1,692 Views 0 Comments
1,692 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CptnHooks Swain Build Guide By CptnHooks Updated on September 27, 2012
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Hello i am CptnHooks AKA Best Tristana NA on the NA server, a 1k elo player. I have a guide that takes a different approach to swain this can be played top and mid but has better match-ups top. This all revolves around the fact that swains attacks do more damage when they have torment on them.
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-Armor pen quints if you are going top and you can replace them for flat AD quints if your mid
-AD Marks for the ad
-Armor yellows that can be replaced with MR if you go mid
-AS blues to get the most hits in before torment runs out
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Skill Sequence

For skilling of course you want to max out your torment first because this is your bread and butter. Nevermove next to hold them in place while you poke at them with your Autoattacks. Decrepify last because its not very useful but taking a point in it early gives you a slow if they dodge the nevermove.
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For items BT is good for sustain in lane because when you are up against dat tough bruiser you gone need all dat lifesteal. Madreds Bloodrazer to shred threw all there armor and to shred threw for late game. Phantom dancer just so you can throw out as many AA's before torment ends. GA to comeback and deal more dps and a Maw so you dont get bursted down by the enemy ADC
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CptnHooks
CptnHooks Swain Guide
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Swain: The AD Master

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