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Ability Order
Triumphant Roar (PASSIVE)
Alistar Passive Ability
Chapter 1
The word alistar in old English means "protector", a name fitting for one of the game's first tanks.
Alistar was designed by Guinsoo.[1]
The icon for Triumphant Roar is used to show the stun debuff for some abilities.
Alistar shares a quote with Sejuani : "Stampede".
Black Minotaur is one of the four Collector's Edition skins, the other champions with this distinction are Annie, Kayle and Ryze. It can no longer be obtained, as it was a Pre-Order skin.
The Matador skin is a tribute to the tale of Ferdinand the Bull, who would rather smell flowers than participate in bullfights.
The Longhorn skin may be a reference to the series Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa.
In his Chinese artwork he has four fingers despite his model only having three. It also shows him having three knuckles (suggesting four fingers) in his classic, black and golden artwork.
It corrects this in the Matador, Unchained, Longhorn and Chinese Golden artwork.
In his Original Splash Art's he has 3 fingers.
In his Chinese Longhorn and original skin he still has 4 fingers.
There was originally a bug that the Longhorn Alistar texture would all turn blue, this was however later fixed.
The Unchained Alistar skin is free and obtainable by visiting the Riotgamesinc channel on Youtube and then syncing with the appropriate LoL website. If you do not have the champion,
Alistar will be given to you for free along with the said skin.
Further instructions for attaining this skin can be reached here: Unchained Alistar Instructions.
In early 2012, Alistar classic skin, As well as Fiddlesticks, Galio, and Malzahar had their artwork replaced with the chinese classic artwork.
As the mightiest warrior to ever emerge from the Minotaur tribes of the Great Barrier, Alistar defended his tribe from Valoran’s many dangers; that is, until the coming of the Noxian army. Alistar was lured from his village by the machinations of Keiran Darkwill, General Boram Darkwill’s youngest son and commander of the Noxian expeditionary force. When Alistar returned, he found his village burning and his family slain. Bellowing with rage, he charged an entire regiment of Noxus’ elite, slaughtering them by the hundreds. Only the intervention of some of Noxus’ most skilled summoners checked Alistar’s rage. Brought in chains to Noxus, Alistar spent the intervening years as a gladiator in the Fleshing, pitted in endless battle for the entertainment of Noxus’ wealthy leaders.
Alistar’s once noble soul slowly became twisted, and he would have been driven to insanity if not for Ayelia, a young servant girl who befriended him and eventually arranged for his escape. Suddenly free, Alistar joined the newly formed League of Legends to fight as a champion, hoping to one day exact his final vengeance upon Noxus and find the girl who had renewed his hope. Initially unwilling to cater to his celebrity status as a champion, Alistar has since discovered that there is power in fame, and he has become a vocal advocate for those whom the Noxian government treads upon. He also calls to light things that the Noxian military would prefer remain hidden — something that has made him very unpopular with Noxus’ nobles. His charitable work has earned him several philanthropic awards, which serve as an interesting contrast to the rage and destruction he brings to the League of Legends.
If you intend to grab the bull by the horns as a summoner, Alistar might have something to say about that.
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