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Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Jungle Route and Purchases.
After you got the Blue Buff, you head to your Wraiths. You clear them out, go kill your Red with no real trouble there, then you kill your Golems and head for a gank.
When you go home, you need to buy Boots of Speed, and then make your way to Wriggles.
After that you can finish up your Merc Threads, and get a Warmogs.
Then build towards an Atma's Impaler, Trinity Force, and a Guardian Angel.
When your build has reached this far, you can decidet to sell your Wriggles, and get a Hexdrinker if they have alot of magic damage.
I picked Exhaust over Flash, because i think that with Merc Threads and Contamination Zone, it is not really needed to have Flash.
This is my first guide, so bear with me please!
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