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Trundle Build Guide by Shepi

Tanky dps Trundle (SOLOLANE)

Tanky dps Trundle (SOLOLANE)

Updated on August 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shepi Build Guide By Shepi 2,284 Views 0 Comments
2,284 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shepi Trundle Build Guide By Shepi Updated on August 19, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Summoner Spells

As you play sololane you can have also teleport instead of Exhaust to get back to your lane as fast as possible to get all possible xp.
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Early game.

First you might think why Ruby Crystal why not life steal or something better. Ruby Crystal gives you lot of health, and with the resistances you can take high amount of damage as the beginning. The reason I don't take life steal is that I get hp from my passive.
Try to get Spirit Visage as soon as possible to boost the passive. After all you rly don't need that much life steal just to make sure you are near dying enemy units to get more health if missing.
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Mid game/end game.

After you get your sheen you make nice dmg with your Q. Get Madred's Bloodrazor or Phage depending on enemy team. As initiator try to trap or separate the enemy carry with your pillar of filth and use your ulti to enemy who owns the highest resistances to maximize your ulti's bonus armor + magic resist. After that you should be bit tanky and you stay alive for a while enough until own team gets the contact to their targets and make dmg.
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Using Pillar of Filth.

- Trap/separate the enemy carry for easy kill.
- Separate low health running teammates from enemy team setting pillar of between them to pull team teammate/enemy and high slow amount.
- Block and slow running enemies and pulling enemies closer to you by putting the center of the stone on enemy just bit in front of it to make the minimal pull.
- If you are not sure if someone is in a brush use Pillar of Filth to reveal targets in brush
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Anything you wanna ask?

Because this is my first guide pls tell me if u wanna know something about this build or u want me add some more things in this guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shepi
Shepi Trundle Guide
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Tanky dps Trundle (SOLOLANE)

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