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Vladimir Build Guide by Didas1990



Updated on March 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Didas1990 Build Guide By Didas1990 1,582 Views 0 Comments
1,582 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Didas1990 Vladimir Build Guide By Didas1990 Updated on March 22, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Due to Vladimir passive the information above are not quite accurate; why is that?
it is simple and easy, Vlady passive works so that he gain bonus ability power and health points by getting bonus AP from health and bonus HP from ability power,and that is the reason that i rushed Warmog cause it helps to get a lot of HP due to farming minions.

Also note that Spell vamp is the critical moment where you are going to turn from defensive
stat to attack a little bit and gain some gold by farming minions in order to gain the Warmog's passive which itself will play a major part of Vladimir passive.

With that being said, the actual AP would be about 570 and the actual HP would be about 4800
depending on your farming.
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What Item Should You Change ?

I don't recommend that you change any of the items except in certain games where you are surrounded by tanky enemy team, if that is the case then change the mask into a void staff to gain more penetration and more AP but never rush it until you finish purchasing the items as
it listed earlier .
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Why All AP runes?

the runes are designed so it can support you early game with 15 AP at level 1 and keeps increasing till level 18. That is good way to provoke your enemy with your q while the health regen item works and grant you great regaining to your HP thanks to your q Spell. What i want
to say is that you wont need any AP items for early game till you are finished from Warmoge then
you should start with your AP items, you will notice that your AP is greater than your enemy AP
Thx to your runes.
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When To Pool?

When you are solo or mid never use your pool till your opponent use his ult, that would make him
lose his greatest way of killing you and puts you on advantage.

Also, keep your eyes on the map if you miss enemy champ and u think he may gank you leave pool
till he gank you so you can use it to run from both of them (your opponent and the ganker ).

The last tip of the pool that you should not use it at full HP. why is that?
it is because the pool cost you about 20% of your HP, so i recommend you to use it after being harmed to reduce the pool life cost damage.
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Skill Points

It is not important to skill up like the listed Skill Points, What is important is that you should max your q by level 9 and rush e at level 2 to farm minions and level up fast, at level 3
take pool to avoid gank possibilities and dodge enemy ult by level 6.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Didas1990
Didas1990 Vladimir Guide
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