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Warwick Build Guide by Saintvicious

Tanky Warwick Jungle

Tanky Warwick Jungle

Updated on July 22, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saintvicious Build Guide By Saintvicious 179 47 463,420 Views 83 Comments
179 47 463,420 Views 83 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Saintvicious Warwick Build Guide By Saintvicious Updated on July 22, 2011
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Warwick as a jungle is basically an afk farm champ until level 6. This sounds like a bad thing which honestly it is a bad thing but, when you hit level 6 lanes will tremble in fear. Warwicks flash ult ganks are incredibly powerful and generally net a kill a 100 percent of the time if done properly.

Warwick is a great initiaor, dpser, and tank. He is the most balanced jungler in my eyes.
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All junglers only need around 12 armor pen to clear the jungle properly. Warwick benefits greatly from attack speed due to his passive and auto attacking is how you clear most of the jungle. This is my reasoning behind the attack speed quints.

The rest of the runes are just for late game tankiness.
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I use 14/0/16 for my masteries. This is mostly just a preference build and honestly you can mastery ww however you want.
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I still like wriggles on ww mainly because of the free ward. It honestly is an extremely cost efficient item. I grab spirit visage for the CDR/Health/MR/Healing Percent Gain ww benefits perfectly from this item.

For boots merc threads are a must on almost all melee champions.

Any other items are match specific. If your team is light on dps you can even grab a razor or wits end. If the enemy team is ad heavy grab a randuins. Ap heavy grab a banshee.
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Skill Sequence

Hunger Strike: (Active): Strikes an enemy for the highest value between the flat magic damage and a percentage of the target's maximum health, and heals Warwick for 80% of the magic damage dealt. Monsters will only be dealt the flat magic damage.
Range: 400.

Warwicks best ability! Not only does it damage an enemy hero or minion for percentage based damage, but it also heals you for the damage!
Hunters Strike: (Active): Warwick lets out a howl that inspires all allied champions, increasing Warwick's attack speed and all friendly champions' attack speed by half of the amount for 10 seconds.
Cost: 35 mana.
Radius: 1,200.


WW's built in team steroid that buffs your teams attack speed greatly.

Blood Scent:(Toggle): Warwick senses enemy champions under 50% life within a certain distance of him revealing them until they heal, leave the area or Blood Scent is deactivated. While sensing an enemy, he gains extra movement speed.
Cooldown: 4 seconds

WW's key chasing tool.

Infinite Duress:(Active): Warwick lunges at an enemy champion instantly, suppressing them for 1.7 seconds. On the time they are suppressed, Warwick strikes the target every 0.33 seconds (5 times total) for 33 % of his attack damage as physical damage plus additional damage as magic damage. During this time, he also gains 30% lifesteal. Each of his strikes proc on-hit effects and the physical portion of the attacks benefit from lifesteal.
Range: 700

This is WWs primary ganking and initiating tool. Careful not to just out right use it in a team fight if the enemy team has stuns and knock backs such as janna.

I grab w first in the jungle then max Q and E. The ms gain from maxing E over W is better for chasing down runners after a gank or team fight in my opinion.
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Summoner Spells

I like flash over ghost mainly due to the fact that you can flash + ult for king ganks!
Flash is also useful for counter jungling due to the fact that you can flash over a wall if caught.
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Jungle Route

Credit goes to stonewall008 for this

this is the fastest path to 6.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saintvicious
Saintvicious Warwick Guide
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Tanky Warwick Jungle

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