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Blitzcrank Build Guide by trailmon

The 3o3 ultra blitzcrank

The 3o3 ultra blitzcrank

Updated on June 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author trailmon Build Guide By trailmon 2,473 Views 1 Comments
2,473 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author trailmon Blitzcrank Build Guide By trailmon Updated on June 29, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Hey it's Trail once more , i want to show you my blitzcrank 3o3 build , i never loose with my premades a single 3o3 , we had singed and blitzcrank bottom and a simple ad in the top . We can make first blood , but in mid and late game this stategy is the most 3o3 strategy i know . Pls try it before you flame . Have fun , and good luck .
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Abilitypower : cause you need a bit dammage at the start .
Armor : Ist for supporter as well , for a defense against strong ads in early .
Magic pen : its always the same as ap carry :D
CD : blitzcrank is genius he his grab is the most powerfull biatchslap in the game .
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You nee the masteries for mana , ap and defense , blitzcrank is the bawz of the botlane so , you need everything to confuse the biatches .
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Blitzcrank is kind of the perfect ap tank , you can build mana life and ap , for the maximized biatchslepness in botlane , with your items your demontrating that blitzcrank isnt a supporter in 3o3 , he is the best ap carry in the game :P every opponent will come to the tower in early game , grab him punsh him : punish him !
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Usefull tipp number 1

You need kills to so steal what you can , your not a supporter in 3o3 your the king in 3o3 :D
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Skill Sequence

The skill arent easy to use , you need cd on your q first cause it makes more dmg. then and you will use it a lot . When you get dived try to flash trough the tower use your ult grab him and knock him up , only trynda can survive a punishment in blitzcrankstyle . 2nd you need to skill the knock up (e) for CD .
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Summoner Spells

Its easy to explain , with flash you can survive everything , blitzcrank have 4spells for surviving , you will never die if you have a brain . Maybe your top laner takes exhaust , then you can take what ever you want . I prefer ghost or ignite .
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Usefull Tipp 2

Your singed must have a brain , he needs to troll every opponent you fight , if he dont troll , they wont get grabbed . your singed or you have to be low life in the whole game .
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Ranked Play

The best 3o3 team i ever seen , blitzcrank singed bot , trynda top , there isnt a way to dodge something like this combo . if someone gets grabbed he is down . you need a brainfull team . Trynda must get the most kills , so when you are low let you opponents feal a grab , when you die and trynda gets a kill its okay , tryndas kill > blitzcrank feed ,
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Pros / Cons

Pros : Perfect mid game
: very hard to kill
: cant get dived
: one of the hardest ults in the game
: winning with premades :P
Cons : No First blood
: not much money
: get flamed from random solo top :D
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Last Pro tipp

Place in every bush a ward to see when somebody ios grabable , confuse your opponents with press e and dont grab , they want to dodge , but they will fail . You will die a lot when you try it first but when you trained it its op ... :D
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My build is ONLY for a good blitzcrank , you need much experiecen to play with blitz in a 3o3 , its a build for a whole team not just for blitzcrank , it the funniest strategy to win a 3o3 . I hope you enjoyed and good luck with trying this imba style techniques . :D
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