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Pantheon Humor Guide by The Mantheon

Assassin The Aram Mantheon

Assassin The Aram Mantheon

Updated on November 27, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Mantheon Build Guide By The Mantheon 15,812 Views 0 Comments
15,812 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Mantheon Pantheon Build Guide By The Mantheon Updated on November 27, 2014
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How to brutally disembody anyone that is unfortunate enough to be on the en

Congratulations! You have just rolled Pantheon, the blind monk. You have chosen the only champion that CANNOTdie. Ever.

Let me give you some back story: I grew up in a small town in suburban new york. My brother was home from college for thanksgiving, and we decided to play a game of aram with his slothy friend. The internet had been shotty that day due to a snowstorm so I was worried we would lag out. But luckily, I rolled Pantheon. I knew at this point that I would be completely unstoppable and that there was no way we could lose. The end result was this:

Pantheon can eviscerate the entire enemy team, using only one item, the godlike:


Since you are in aram, there is only one item you can buy, since you can't die.

To summarize, buy brutalizer, don't be a dumbass, and there is now way you can lose.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: He is immortal and wins every game.

Cons: After playing him the only thing you can fap to is him.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Mantheon
The Mantheon Pantheon Guide
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The Aram Mantheon

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