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Pantheon Build Guide by Dyfunctional

The Artisan of War

The Artisan of War

Updated on August 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dyfunctional Build Guide By Dyfunctional 1,620 Views 0 Comments
1,620 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dyfunctional Pantheon Build Guide By Dyfunctional Updated on August 6, 2012
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Hello and welcome to my Pantheon guide :D. This guide is my first guide on mobafire. So I will do my best to remake it into today's situations by checking this guide in every patch, so I can you guys a good and effective way to play Pantheon.

This guide is used to help people to start Pantheon and it may not be precise for each game. I hope you guys like and rate my guide. I'm still working on this guide and it would be helpful not to criticize it just yet. You may look at this guide but please don't give the rate or any comments since I'm in done with the chapter. Thanks!
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Pros / Cons

Every champions has it's own strength and weakness. Pantheon's weakness and strength is very important to understand under his philosophy.

+ Fun to play
+ Awesome nuke
+ Great farmer
+ Ranged poke
+ Built-in teleport
+ Very strong early game
+ Good initiator

- Very team dependent
- Mana hog
- Can create tunnel vision
- Easily countered
- Grand Skyfall requires practice
- Kill or get killed
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Aegis Protection

After attacking or casting 4 spells, Pantheon forms a shield that block an attack that is more to 40 dps.
Such as
mystic shot
decisive strike ( you block the damage but not the silenced.)

Spear Shot
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dyfunctional
Dyfunctional Pantheon Guide
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The Artisan of War

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