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Kog'Maw Build Guide by Alphaomegalogs

ADC The Best Kog'Maw build for people in low elo

ADC The Best Kog'Maw build for people in low elo

Updated on January 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Alphaomegalogs Build Guide By Alphaomegalogs 6 0 29,677 Views 2 Comments
6 0 29,677 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Alphaomegalogs Kog'Maw Build Guide By Alphaomegalogs Updated on January 20, 2023
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Runes: Normal

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Best Kog'Maw build for people in low elo

By Alphaomegalogs
I a harcore Kog'Maw fan. He is so fun and although I am relatively inexperienced (m5), I know enough to provide a guide for anyone who wants to play Kog'Maw in the wonderful and horrid world of low elo. Kog'maw has very high late game damage and is super satisfying to play although he can end up dying too much due to squishyness and low mobility.
Laning in low elo sucks, especially as adc. Most of the time your opponent will try to kill you over trying to cs. If you survive their attempts and out cs them, you will still win in the long run. Stay behind minons, play around cooldowns. Save w for ganks and in case your support decides to engage. Use q to secure cannon minions. (unless your support wants them for relic shield or steel shoulderguards ). The abosulute most important thing is to not die, and the second most important thing is to outcs your lane opponent. Get kills only if you have no risk of dying in the attempt. A death is never worth a kill in the first 7 minuests. A deaths is worth 2 kills if you you have already commited, but if you kill the support and the adc is low and runs under turret, don't dive unless your support is willing to take the turret shots.
Rush beserkers greaves Beserker Greaves because without it your damage will start to fall behind as the enemy laner gets swords and maybe a noonquiver. Boots will bring your dps back up. Guinsoo's is an extremly powerful item, eqivalent to a mythic for other adcs. Plus, if you are ahead and cs well, you should get guinsoo's much fater than they get their mythic because of its low cost. Once you get runaan's, start taking jungle whenever your jungler will let you, or if it is safe you can take the enemie's jungle. Once you get titanic, and are level 13 (you have e ) You can start split pushing. You don't want to splitpush if there is an assasin or champ with hard cc like morgana on the enemy team. They WILL come for you unless there is a baron fight or something going on, but with E and titanic you should be able to survive. Don't stay too long regardless.
I explained this already in the notes, but due to enemy aggresion, you need survivablity which my runepage gives. Lifesteal is iffy, and if you want it just get bork or bloodthirster. Legend: Bloodline is really poor compared to extra scaling attack speed. People who are more confident or are in mid-high elo can go domination as secondary tree. Only take an mr rune if the enemy support is zyra, xerath, lux, heimerdinger, or vel'koz.
I know this guide wasn's super detailed but neither is low elo gameplay. Use this build up until you start consistantly matching with people who have high cs and low early agression. Then go to a build made by an actual league pro. Thanks for reading, I know I probably made spelling and grammar mistakes so if you find any or if you have any other constructive criticism.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Alphaomegalogs
Alphaomegalogs Kog'Maw Guide
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The Best Kog'Maw build for people in low elo

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