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Swain Build Guide by PartySwain

The jungle and the

The jungle and the

Updated on February 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PartySwain Build Guide By PartySwain 53,602 Views 0 Comments
53,602 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PartySwain Swain Build Guide By PartySwain Updated on February 12, 2012
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So... you're jungling with Swain, eh?

Well, you may call me crazy, but if i'm crazy for jungling with Swain, then you are too!

Swian isn't what you'd call a standard jungler. But nonetheless, he can gank as long as you can hit your nevermoves, and his slow is pretty damn nice too!

Please do experiment with this guide as your starting point. Masteries and skill order are definitely customisable, but this is what i like.

Swain isn't the strongest jungler, but get a good gank or two and you're ready to kill all the enemies. Also, i strongly advise you try this in normals atleast a dozen times before doing it in ranked!
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The masteries and runes behind Swain, the man seemingly raised by birds.

My runes aren't all that important, although i'd recommend armor! Honestly, i use some pretty standard Shyvana jungling runes because i'm a cheapskate. It still works, so just pick whatever standar jungling runes you've got!

As far as masteries, this is just what works for me. Mess around with it and see if you find something more effective.

What this guide show in regards to runes is just a suggestion. The quints just show off some more or less viable choices. They'll all work.
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Summoner Spells

For summoner spells... Smite is a must, and well, flash is always nice. Heal isn't bad either. The same with ghost to catch up and decrepify the runners. Whatever works for you.
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Creeping / Jungling

So... now the interesting part. Swain can take blue by himself, if it's a must. But really, just get your mid to pull blue for you, and for the love of god, kite it with the slow from decrepify, now move onto wolves, wraiths, if health permits it either gank or b. After this you can take red for the exp boost and the slow which will help you gank. And remember, if swain has blue buff and his ult, he's a great tank for drake or baron!
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