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Evelynn Build Guide by unpure97

The new evelyn

The new evelyn

Updated on July 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author unpure97 Build Guide By unpure97 18,853 Views 0 Comments
18,853 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author unpure97 Evelynn Build Guide By unpure97 Updated on July 19, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



With the new patch and change to evelyn she has become more viable in lower and/or higher play, My build allows her to become a threat through assassinating champions and counter jungling early game. While late game allowing her to be tanky enough to go 1 on 1 with most champions.
This build specifically is for jungle but with some editions it could easily be used for soloing top.
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As evelyn I take hate spike first and head to wolves. With good damage from mid/top/bot the wolves will useually drop quickly giving you enough time to get blue. Evelyn is one of the faster junglers and I find it very easily to take my blue buff quickly grab our wraiths then go and steal the enemies red. Since she has passive stealth it is easier for her to get into position and execute good kills.
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Summoner Spells.

I chose smite obviously becuase this is a junging guide but as I said earlier this build - With a few alterations - could easily be used as a solo top guide. Flash is not neccesary I just feel safer using it. But If you would rather pick up an exhaust or ignite to allow more definate kills it is easily viable, and with her stealth and her W she doesnt really struggle to escape.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author unpure97
unpure97 Evelynn Guide
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The new evelyn

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