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Jarvan IV Build Guide by doozay

The Only Way to Jungle Jarvan

The Only Way to Jungle Jarvan

Updated on July 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author doozay Build Guide By doozay 1,825 Views 0 Comments
1,825 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author doozay Jarvan IV Build Guide By doozay Updated on July 25, 2011
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Jarvan is one of the most capable gankers in the game with his ultimate and knock up. Jarvan plays a great support role with his ability to get a large amount of assists, but still does large amounts of damage. Follow this guide and you can successfully jungle Jarvan.
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I use a slightly different Jarvan jungle rune page but it works all the same. Many people prefer armor pen marks but Jarvan's dragon strike can take that spot and in turn you can use attack damage marks. Cooldown glyphs in place of magic resist glyphs allow you to flag drop quicker in the jungle and lets you clear it that much faster. The rest of the runes i find very standard.
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Skill Sequence

In the jungle you want to level flag in order to get bonus attack speed, but after you clear your jungle for the first time you want to level dragon strike.
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Jungle Path

You should always start at blue because Jarvan desperately needs mana. preferably start at blue with a leash. Auto attack it a few times and once it stops moving drop your flag. After blue go to wolves, then wraiths, then red buff, then small golems.

In other words

Blue->Wolves->Wraiths->Red->Small golems.

After the jungle you will have a decent amount of health, gank anyone overextending. If this is not an option go back to base.
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Ganking/ Flag Drop and Overall Tips

Using your knock-up is very important. If you miss it you miss a potential kill or assist. Judging your flag drop is tough but I have some tips.

Flag Drop Tips
*Come from behind and slow with Golden Aegis, this lets you aim your skills a lot better.
*If they are out of range pull yourself closer to the enemy then use your ultimate ability.
*Try to ultimate those without flash. If this is not possible look at tip below.
*Knock-up enemy and try to force flash then ultimate
* communicate with teammates to see who used flash
*Don't waste Dragon strike and Demacian Standard while your in ultimate, wait for them to try to run
*Q and E combo can get you into position better and let you escape through walls, use it wisely
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League of Legends Build Guide Author doozay
doozay Jarvan IV Guide
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The Only Way to Jungle Jarvan

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