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Tristana Build Guide by Egokeeil

The Queen Trist

The Queen Trist

Updated on August 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Egokeeil Build Guide By Egokeeil 1,851 Views 1 Comments
1,851 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Egokeeil Tristana Build Guide By Egokeeil Updated on August 21, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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You can either solo or dual lane, I start off with a vampiric scepter to be able to get my health back quickly through autoatacks. try laning with someone with good cc. go straight DAMAGE with no attackspeed items(you can grab a phantom dancer instead of the second infinity edge, your choice) Because your blackcleaver mixed with your rapid fire should almost max out attackspeed and you will hopefully have someone be able to buff your attackspeed. DO NOT engage with your Rocket Jump into a team battle, you are much to squishy and your gettaway isn't that good, you can use it in small battles or if you know you won't die(I still don't suggest it). Hopefully you have a good tank for you(alistar, rammus, and Nunu are my favorites for trist's tank). Tristana is a very good farmer early game, you shouldn't have any problems getting money. If you want to hit someone into your teammate or turret you can jump behind them and shoot them in the direction you want.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Egokeeil
Egokeeil Tristana Guide
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