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Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Support blitzcrank can feed carries well.
Mana barrier saves your life all day.
Dat grab.
Tear of the Goddess causes your mana barrier to reach full potential.
Requires a good burst champion / AD carry to do well.
Grabbing Amumu can spell DOOM for your team.
Requires good skillshots with Rocket grab.
Support blitzcrank can feed carries well.
Mana barrier saves your life all day.
Dat grab.
Tear of the Goddess causes your mana barrier to reach full potential.
Requires a good burst champion / AD carry to do well.
Grabbing Amumu can spell DOOM for your team.
Requires good skillshots with Rocket grab.
I went with 0/9/21 for Blitzcrank. I went with experience boosts in the utility tree, as I have found that support blitzcrank does not need much gold to be successful, and most of the gold he needs will be gotten with assists. I also maxed Strength of Spirit, because more mana = more tanky blitzcrank.
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